The genetic resources laboratory was established in 1996 under the guidance of Candidate of Agricultural Science A.M. Tyslenko. The impetus for the creation of the laboratory was increased requirements for the newly created varieties: along with the high yield, they must have ecological plasticity, have a high quality of grain, and meet the requirements of modern agrolandscape arable agriculture. The creation of such varieties is possible only through the full involvement in the selection programs of the world genetic resources as a source of biological and economically valuable characteristics and properties. In these connections, it became necessary to urgently organize works on the conservation, study and rational use of plant resources, the creation and augmentation of the genetic diversity cultivated in the zone of crops, certification, storage and renewal of seeds, which is very actual and timely at the present stage.
The main mission of the laboratory is the systematic replenishment and study of the genetic diversity of cereal and grain-fodder crops, the creation of an information base, the formation of collections based on the characteristics that represent the selective value, makes it possible to speed up the creation of varieties capable of stably realizing their potential and reducing the cost of programs to 20%.
Head of laboratory
• Dolynnyi Yuryi Yurievich 2018 – till present
Composition of laboratory
The laboratory consists of 8 people, including 1 scientific fellow, 2 junior scientific fellows, and 4 laboratory assistants.
Main goals
• Replenishment of the genetic resources of grain and grain-fodder crops with cultivated and wild-growing forms, the best selection lines
• Comprehensive systematic study of the most important biological and economically valuable traits and their laboratory evaluation
• Formation of an informative database and documenting the genetic resources
• Ensuring the safety of the genetic resources of grain and grain-fodder. Regeneration of samples with a storage period is more than 5 years.
• Transfer economically-valuable characteristics sources for the use in selective programs
Main achievements
Participation in the development and implementation of 5 projects on the formation, preservation, replenishment, study, organization of storage and creation of an informative bank of database collections of agricultural crops, RK:
• 2009-2011 “Collection, conservation, comprehensive study and documentation of genetic resources of wheat with the identification of sources and donors of farming-valuable traits”;
• 2012-2011 “Introduction, study, formation and preservation of genetic resources of cereal, grain-fodder and fodder crops in Northern Kazakhstan";
• 2015-2017 “Comprehensive study, conservation and mobilization of genetic resources of cereal, grain-crops and cereal for purpose-oriented use in selective programs of various natural and climatic zones of the Republic Kazakhstan";
• 2015-2017 “Non-traditional perennial fodder crops and spring triticale for Northern Kazakhstan”;
• 2015-2017 “Creation of selected material for the spring fodder triticale for the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan”.
Over the years, the laboratory has studied more than 28,000 samples of spring soft and durum wheat, barley, oats, triticale. In the course of the study, about 2000 sources were found combining the selective-valuable features with the adaptability to the local conditions. Isolated samples were handed over to the plant selection breeders of the Center, SRIA, Pavlodar SRIA, National center for biotechnology of the KR, S. Seifullin of KazSATU, the Ural AES, KSRIiS for the use in practical selection.
Joint research was conducted with the biotechnological centers of the Temir-Zeya Agricultural Academy and the Akmola agrarian university in order to multiply and study the regenerants-plants obtained from varieties of spring soft wheat selection. KazSRIGF: Tselinogradka, Velyutinum 30, Pyrotriks 28, Ishimskaya 88, Tselinnaya 21, Tselinnaya Anniversary. The result of joint research was the accelerated creation of varieties of spring soft wheat: Kenzhegali, Dostyk, Baiterek.
Of the great variety of hybrid and constant material propagated in the greenhouse, a number of promising forms have been identified, brought to the ICG with acceleration for 2-3 years. These are varieties of spring soft wheat: Ishimskaya 88, Lutescens 94, Ishim-skaya 90, Ishimskaya 92, Tselinaya 3c, Tselinaya Jubilee; barley - Celinnyi 91.
Cooperation is expanding in the field of collection, study, conservation and use of plant genetic resources. Over the past three years, creative contracts have been concluded with the SRU N.I. Vavilov "All-Russia Institute of Plant Growing" (97 samples of spring soft wheat, 15-solid, 45-barley, 30-oats)," Siberian SRIiS RAAS "(17 samples of spring wheat, 10 barley)," Siberian SRIiC RAAS" 2-solid, 2-barley, 1-oats), "SPC NAS of Belarus for Agriculture" (19 samples of spring soft wheat, 27 barley, 9-oats), the National Center for the PGR of Ukraine of the Plant Industry Institute. V.Ya. Yuryev (20 samples of spring soft wheat, spring triticale were obtained 3) SEI HPE "Tyumen State University" (obtained 10 samples of spring soft wheat, 8-barley).The fellows of laboratory take part in the meetings and trainings on the project "Inventory and documentation of geological exploration" conducted by the ICARDA Regional representation in Tashkent. For the implementation of this project, work is underway to document geodetic exploration using the international standards. The final result of the formation of an informative database will be the exchange of information on geological exploration and ex situ collections among SIUs of the countries of the Central Asian and Caucasus region involved in the project.
Within the framework of this project, the laboratory staff coordinates the work of the National Research Institute of North-Central and Central Kazakhstan on the inventory and documentation of genetic resources.
An information databank has been created, which includes 3185 varieties and hybrid forms of various eco-geographical origin.
Currently, in storage at LLP A.I. Baraev “SPCGF” is more than 6 100 varieties of grain, and grain-fodder crops (spring soft, durum wheat, spring barley, oats, spring triticale).
Based on the results of the conducted studies, the following publications were published:
1. Catalogue of the world collection of the genetic resources of field crops of A.I. Barayev KazSRIGF//Yu.I. Zelensky, V.G. Solovyov. Shortandy, 2001. - 133 p. ISBN 9965-9165-4-1.
2. Catalogue of the world collection of the genetic resources of field crops A.I. Barayev “SPCGF”//R.N. Okavitaya, c.-a.s., L.N. Kazantseva, Т.V. Lada. RSE A.I. Barayev "SPCGF”. Ministry of Agriculture of the Kazakhstan Republic: Shortandy, 2005. - 39 p. ISBN 9965-9477-8-3.
3. Catalogue of agricultural crops A.I. Barayev“SPCGF”//Stefan G.I., Kazantseva L.N., Ferderer E.I., Slepkova N.N., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Luzina Z.P., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Kobernitskyi V.I, Shortandy, 2008.- 34 p. ISBN 9965-407-40-1.
4. Catalogue of grain and grain-fodder crops A.I. Barayev//Stefan G.I., Ivanova G.N. Ferderer E.I., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Babkenova S.A., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Dashkevich S.M. Shortandy, 2011.-30 p. ISBN 9965-407-82-7.
5. Catalogue of grain and grain-fodder crops SPCGF A.I. Barayeva//Stefan G.I., Ivanova G.N. Ferderer E.I., Ph.D. Babkenova S.A., Ph.D. Dashkevich S.M. Shortandy, 2014. -30 p. ISBN 978-601-7341-23-7.
6. A.I. Barayev. The catalogue of agricultural crops. (2nd edition)//Shtefian G.I., Ivanova G.N. Ferderer E.I., Ph.D. Babkenova S.A., Ph.D. Dashkevich S.M. Shortandy, 2017. -25 p. ISBN 978-601-7341-63-3.
The international cooperation
International relations - CIMMYT, ICARDA, All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Science (St. Petersburg, Russia), Federal State Budget Scientific Institution , Siberian Institute of Agricultural Research (Russia, Omsk), Scientific Production Center of Agriculture the National Academy of Sciences Belarus (Zhodino, Belarus), the National Center for Exploration and Genetics of Ukraine, V.Ya. Yuryev (Ukraine, Kharkov)-exchange of collection material.
Laboratory contact information
LLP A.I. Barayev “Scientific and Production Center for Grain Farming” Akmola region, Shortandinskyi district, v. Shortandy 1, st. Barayev, 15, laboratory of the genetic resources. Dolinnyi Yuryi Yurievich – head of genetic resources laboratory. Phone/fax: 8(71631) - 23029, 8(71631) - 23032, +7 747 9941937, e-mail: ura_dolin@mail.ruскачать dle 12.0
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