2018-2020 жылдар кезеңінде ғылыми-техникалық бағдарламаларды орындау шеңберінде Scopus дерекбазасына кіретін рецензияланатын ғылыми басылымдарда 19 ғылыми жарияланым, шетелдік басылымдарда 53 жарияланым және отандық ғылыми журналдарда 46 жарияланым жарияланды.
1. Fillipova N. Diversity array technology (DArT) 56K analysis, confirmed by SNP markers, distinguishes one сrested wheatgrass Agropyron species from two others found in Kazakhstan // Molecular Breeding, 2018. - 38:37 (IF-2,46; Springer, Нидерланды).https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57201007397
2. DashkevichS., Filippova N., Utebayev M., AbdullaevK. Assessing the Influence of the Initial Forms of Melilot on the Quality of Fodder Mass in the Conditions of Northern Kazakhstan //Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Reseanch (J. Pharm. Sci. & Res), 2018. - Vol. 10(10), 2564 - 2567 (IF-0,5).https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57201007397
3. Utebayev M., Dashkevich S., Bome N., Bulatova K., Shavrukov Y. Genetic diversity of gliadin alleles in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from Northern Kazakhstan // Peer J 7: e 7082.https://www.scopus.com/redirect.uri?url=https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0729-0592&authorId=57190405977&origin=AuthorProfile&orcId=0000-0003-0729-0592&category=orcidLink%22
4. Utebayev, M., Dashkevich, S., Kunanbayev, K., Bome, N., Sharipo- va, B., Shavrukov, Y. (2019). Genetic polymorphism of glutenin subunits with high molecular weight and their role in grain and dough qualities of spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from Northern Kazakhstan. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 41(5), 71 (Scopus, Web of Science IF=1.438). https://www.scopus.com/redirect.uri?url=https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0729-0592&authorId=57190405977&origin=AuthorProfile&orcId=0000-0003-0729-0592&category=orcidLink%22
5. Babkenov, A.T., Babkenova, S.A., Kairzhanov, E.K. Studying genetic resources of spring bread wheat in the environments of northern Kazakhstan // Proceedings on Applied Botany, Genetics and Breeding. 2019. V. 180. № 4. P. 44-47. https://doi.org/10.30901/2227-8834-2019-4-44-47 6. Kradetskaya O.O., Chilimova I.V., Kunanbayev K.K., Irmulatov B.R., Abdullaev K.K. Тhe quality of spring common wheat depending on predecessors //НаукаиМир, 2019. - Т.1. № 6 (70). - С. 66 - 69 (Global IF 0.325, Австралия).https://www.scopus.com/redirect.uri?url=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9069-8558&authorId=57208755258&origin=AuthorProfile&orcId=0000-0002-9069-8558&category=orcidLink%22
8. Adylkhan Temirhanovich Babkenov, Sandukash Amantaevna Babkenova, Kenzhe Kozhakhmetovich Abdullayev, Yelzhas Konspekovich Kairzhanov. Breeding Spring Soft Wheat for Productivity, Grain Quality, and Resistance to Adverse External Factors in Nothern Kazakhstan // J. Ecol. Eng. 2020; 21(6):8–12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.12911/22998993/123160 9. Yan, H., Lai, C., Akshalov, K., ...Hu, Y., Zhen, L. Social institution changes and their ecological impacts in Kazakhstan over the past hundred years// Environmental Development, 2020, 34, 100531. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57193330731 11. Sandukash Amantaevna Babkenova*, Adylkhan Temirhanovich Babkenov, Kenzhe Kozhakhmetovich Abdullaev and Aliya Ahmediyakyzy Shabdan. The influence of frondiferous diseases on the main indicators of spring wheat quality// Еcology, environment and conservation. - 2020. - N. 26. - Ser. 2. - Р. 738-742 (ISSN 0971–765X). (SCOPUS, процентиль – 15). https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57195608627 12. Sandukash Amantaevna Babkenova, Adylkhan Temirhanovich Babkenov, Elena Vasilyevna Pakholkova & Belgibay Kamalovich Kanafin. Pathogenic complexity of septoria spot disease of wheat in northern Kazakhstan// Plant science today. 2020. - N. 7. – Ser.4.- Р. 601-606 (ISSN 2348–1900). (SCOPUS, процентиль – 12). https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57195608627 13. Aipova R., Abdykadyrova A., Silayev D., Tazabekova E., Oshergina I., Ten E., Kurmanbayev A. The fabrication of the complex bio-fertilizer for wheat cultivation based on collection bacteria of the PGPR group // Biodiversitas. – 2020. – Vol.21, №11. - P.5032-5039. doi:10.13057/biodiv/d2110xx SJR 0.267 (Scopus CiteScore2019=1.2, SJR2019=0.267, 38th percentile).
14. Andrey A. Komarov, Aleksey A. Komarov, Pavel A. Suhanov, Oleg A. Malafeyev and Bakyt R. Irmulatov. Impact of hydrolysis lignin on phytosanitary condition of soils during potato cultivation// BIO Web Conf. II International Scientific Conference “Plants and Microbes: The Future of Biotechnology” (PLAMIC2020), Volume 23, 2020. Р. 7 /https://doi.org/10.1051/bioconf/20202303003 16.T. Meinel, K.A. Akshalov, V.I. Belyaev, L.C. Grundwald, and L.Sokolova. 2020. Innovations in Landscape Research. Demands for Modern Cropping Systems. In: Culunda: “Climate Smart Agriculture”, pp. 325-340. Series Editor: Lothar Muller. Editors: Manfred Fruhauf, Tobias Meinel, Sebastian Lents, Georg Guggenberger, Insa Tseesfeld. ISSN 2524, ISBN 978-3-030-15926-9. Springer Nature Switherland.
17.V.I. Belyev, L.C.Grundwald, K.A. Akshalov, T.Meinel, and L.Sokolova.2020. Innovations in Landscape Research. Demands for Modern Cropping Systems. In: Culunda: “Climate Smart Agriculture”, pp. 341-354. Series Editor: Lothar Muller. Editors: Manfred Fruhauf, Tobias Meinel, Sebastian Lents, Georg Guggenberger, Insa Tseesfeld. ISSN 2524, ISBN 978-3-030-15926-9.Springer Nature Switherland.https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57193330731 18.Yan, H., Lai, C., Akshalov, K., ...Hu, Y., Zhen, L. Social institution changes and their ecological impacts in Kazakhstan over the past hundred years// Environmental Development, 2020, 34, 100531. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57193330731
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