The Plant Immunity to Diseases Laboratory

Departments and laboratories / Wheat Breeding Department

The Plant Immunity to Diseases Laboratory was founded in 1971 on the basis of the previously existing laboratory of Phytopathology, which was part of the Plant Protection Department. The ideological inspirer and leader, who headed the research on plant immunity, was the Candidate of Agricultural Sciences L. M. Gorodilova. A great contribution to the development of science in the field of breeding for resistance to stem rust was made by V. V. Plakhotnik. He studied the specialization of this disease in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan and found that 2 specialized forms of economic importance prevail - rye and wheat. An important place in breeding programs in the 70s began to be given to chemical and radiation mutagenesis, as an additional method for obtaining resistant forms of wheat to brown and stem rust. Under the leadership of L. A. Troitskaya, about 60 mutants resistant to brown rust were obtained in the immunity laboratory at VNIIZH. In the 1957-1960-ies, under the leadership of G. S. Byadovsky, the laboratory conducted research to clarify the species composition, the economic significance of pests of agricultural crops in the Tselinnyi Territory and the development of measures to protect them from pests. The staff of the laboratory under the direction of the Candidate of Biological Sciences. V. P. Lakhmanova worked on the problem of developing the biological basis for building zonal complex systems of measures to suppress the harmfulness of pests of grain crops in the foci of their mass reproduction in the 1970s. From 1996 to 2004, the laboratory was headed by N. Ya. Menovshchikova, who studied the source material for spring wheat, barley, oats and millet for resistance to smut and rust diseases.
Since 2008, the laboratory has been headed by Babkenova Sandukash Amantaevna. The main research areas of the laboratory are: the study of collection and breeding material of spring wheat, barley and oats for resistance to smut, rust diseases and septoria in conditions of artificial infectious background, the determination of the species structure of the populations of wheat septoria pathogens in the North of Kazakhstan, the implementation of phytosanitary monitoring of the development and spread of diseases in different regions of Northern Kazakhstan.

The scientific staff of the laboratory: Babkenova S. A.-Head of the laboratory-Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Shabdan A.A-research worker, Master's degree.

Babkenova Sandukash Amantayevna
PhD in Agricultural sciences,
Head of the Plant Immunity to Diseases Laboratory
OfficeNo. 3, Telephone:+77054567447

Research interests
Plant Immunity to Diseases

Main research areas
1. Genetic control of varieties resistance and promising lines of agricultural plants to the main pathogens;
2. Study of the specific and intraspecific structure of grain crop septoria pathogens populations;
3. Phytosanitary monitoring implementation of diseases development and spread in different regions of Northern Kazakhstan.

Current research projects
2015-2017-Head of the scientific project under the budget program 217 “Study of the species diversity of septoriosis pathogens using molecular biology methods and creation of the initial material resistant to septoriosis based on markers of associative breeding”.
2018-2020-Head of the scientific project under the budget program 217 “The role of resistant and tolerant varieties to Septoria and their cultivation technologies in the stabilization of the phytosanitary state of agrocenoses” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2021-2023-Executor of the scientific project under the budget program BR10765056 “Creation of highly productive varieties and hybrids of grain crops based on the biotechnology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry of plants achievements for their sustainable production in various soil and climatic zones of Northern Kazakhstan” of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1989-1994 - Kokshetau Agricultural Institute, Faculty of Agronomy, scientist agronomist.
2004-2008 - postgraduate course at the “Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection” DSE, specialty 06. 01. 11-Plant protection.

Work experience
1994-2008-Employee of the Plant Immunity to diseases Laboratory of “SPC GF named after A. I. Barayev” LLP.
2008-2021-Head of the Plant immunity to diseases Laboratory.

Awards, certificates of honor
·Memorial Medal of Academician A. I. Barayev, 100 years since his birth, 2008
·Certificate of Commendation dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2020.

Qualification improvement

·Certificate of advanced training in courses on plant immunity to diseases in accordance with the program of the State Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection of the Russian Agricultural Academy (Saint Petersburg), VIZR, 2009.

·Certificate of advanced training in the diagnosis of leaf-stem diseases of grain crops, GNU VNIIF, 2010.

·Certificate of training at the genetics and breeding school-seminar “Current state and priority directions of development of genetics, epigenetics, breeding and seed production of agricultural crops”, SibNIIRS State Scientific Research Institute, 2012.

·Certificate of advanced training in the courses “Biodiversity and identification of plant pathogens” and “Modern taxonomy and methods of identification of fungi of the genus Fusarium”, VIZR, 2014.

·Certificate of advanced training on the topic “Study of methods of septoria pathogens isolation in pure culture, their differentiation by morphological and cultural characteristics and determination of pathogenic properties of isolates of S. nodorum and S. tritici”, FGBNU VNIIF, 2015.

·Certificate of advanced training on the topic “Development of methods for developing biomaterial of pathogens of Septoria - S. nodorum and S. tritici, study of methods for creating artificial infectious backgrounds in infectious nurseries application of various scales for accounting for wheat plant infestation in immunogenetic studies”, FGBNU VNIIF, 2016

·Certificate of advanced training on the topic “Identification of Stb genes using molecular markers”, VIZR, 2017
·The certificate passed the period of academic mobility at the Agricultural University-Plovdiv, according to the training program – “Study of new methods of phytosanitary monitoring of grain crops diseases”, 2019.

Author of more than 80 scientific papers. The most important in the presented areas:
1. Sandukash A. Babkenova, Adylkhan T. Babkenov,Tamara M. Kolomiets, Ekaterina S. Skolotneva,Mikhail G. Divashuk Molecular genetic tagging of wheat varieties genes resistant to Septoria tritici in northern Kazakhstan // International Journal of Green Pharmacy.  2017. Т. 11. № 3. С. S430-S437. ISSN 0973-8258;
2. Zaitseva O. I., Burakova A. A., Babkenov A. T., Babkenova S. A., Utebaev M. U., Lemesh V. A. Allelic diversity of high-molecular-weight glutenin genes in soft wheat//Cytology and genetics. - No. 6. - 2017. - Volume 51. - p. 22-31.
3. Elmira Dyussibayeva, Abilbashar Seitkhozhayev, Aigul Tleppayeva, Nursaule Zhanbyrshina, Sandukash Babkenova  and Aiman Rysbekova Study of the millet varieties and samples with respect to resistance against dusty smut//Еcology, environment and conservation VOL. 23 (2): 2017.- Р. 852-858;  
4. SandukashAmantaevnaBabkenova*, AdylkhanTemirhanovichBabkenov, KenzheKozhakhmetovichAbdullaev and AliyaAhmediyakyzyShabdan. The influence of frondiferous diseases on the main indicators of spring wheat quality// Еcology, environment and conservation. - 2020. - N. 26. - Ser. 2. - Р. 738-742;
5. Sandukash Amantaevna Babkenova, Adylkhan Temirhanovich Babkenov, ElenaVasilyevnaPakholkova&BelgibayKamalovichKanafin.Pathogenic complexity of septoria spot disease of wheat in northern Kazakhstan// Plant science today. 2020. - N. 7. – Ser. 4. - Р. 601-606;
6.AdylkhanTemirhanovich Babkenov, Sandukash Amantaevna Babkenova, Kenzhe Kozhakhmetovich Abdullayev, Yelzhas Konspekovich Kairzhanov. Breeding Spring Soft Wheat for Productivity, Grain Quality, and Resistance to Adverse External Factors in Nothern Kazakhstan // J. Ecol. Eng. 2020; 21(6):8–12.
7. Babkenov, A.T., Babkenova, S.A., Kairzhanov, E.K. Studying genetic resources of spring bread wheat in the environments of northern Kazakhstan // Proceedings on Applied Botany, Genetics and Breeding, 2019, 180(4).- Р. 44–47.
Shabdan Aliya Akhmediyakyzy
Master’s degree, research worker
Plant immunity to diseases Laboratory
OfficeNo. 3, Telephone:+77086114289

Research interests
Plant immunity to diseases

Main research areas
Genetic control of varieties resistance and promising lines of agricultural plants to the main pathogens

Current research projects
2018-2020-Executor of the scientific project under the budget program 217 “The role of resistant and tolerant varieties to septoria and technologies of their cultivation in the stabilization of the phytosanitary state of agrocenoses” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2021-2023-Executor of the scientific project under the budget program BR10765056 “Creation of highly productive varieties and hybrids of grain crops based on the achievements of biotechnology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry of plants for their sustainable production in various soil and climatic zones of North Kazakhstan” of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2013-2017- KATU named after S. Seifullin: specialty-plant protection and quarantine (bachelor's degree).
2017-2019- KATU named after S. Seifullin: specialty-plant protection and quarantine (Master's degree).

2017-2021-Researcher at the Plant Immunity to diseases Laboratory of “SPC GF named after A. I. Barayev” LLP 

Author of more than 5 scientific papers. The most important in the presented areas:
1.SandukashAmantaevnaBabkenova*,AdylkhanTemirhanovichBabkenov, KenzheKozhakhmetovichAbdullaevandAliyaAhmediyakyzyShabdan.The influence of frondiferous diseases on the main indicators of spring wheat quality// Еcology, environment and conservation. - 2020. - N. 26. - Ser. 2. - Р. 738-742
2.S. A. Babkenova, A. T. Babkenov, A. A. Shabdan. Dissemination and development of Septoriа  in spring wheat, depending on weather conditions  in the north of Kazakhstan // ИзвестияНАНРК. - Сер. 55. - Алматы. 2020. N. 1.-С.5-9.
3.Бабкенова С.А., Бабкенов А.Т., Шабдан А.А. Изучение видовой структуры возбудителей септориоза пшеницы в условиях степной и лесостепной зоны Северо-Казахстанской области//Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им. С. Сейфуллина (междисциплинарный). - Сер. 101. - Нур-Султан, 2019. N. 2.- С.66-72. (Babkenova S. A., Babkenov A. T., Shabdan A. A. Study of the species structure of wheat septoria pathogens in the conditions of the steppe and forest-steppe zone of the North Kazakhstan region//Bulletin of Science of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin (interdisciplinary). - Ser. 101. - Nur-Sultan, 2019. N. 2. - p. 66-72).

1. Genetic control of varieties resistance and promising lines of agricultural plants to the main pathogens;
2. Study of the specific and intraspecific structure of grain crop septoria pathogens populations;
3. Implementation of phytosanitary monitoring of the development and spread of diseases in different regions of Northern Kazakhstan.

Recent achievements
- Collections of sources and donors of wheat, barley and oat resistance to rust and smut diseases have been created;
- Catalogues of disease-resistant wheat and barley samples have been published;
- A new source material has been created that is resistant to rust and septoria;
- Spring wheat varieties Tselina 50 and Taimas are hardy and resistant to leaf rust.

The laboratory is equipped with modern equipment:

- breeding and biotechnological greenhouse complex (phytobox)

- low-temperature freezer LAB 51 (-50 to -85 C, 416 l.) Elcold for storing spore material

- microscope with DFC320 camera, Leica

- climate chamber

- drying chamber Universal Oven UF110.

Laboratory or department structure: The Plant Immunity to Diseases Laboratory is part of the wheat breeding department.

• All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology, Moscow, Russia
• All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Babkenova S.A.., cell-phone: +77474453133, Shabdan A.A., cell-phone: +77086114289.

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