Scientists invite farmers on April 22 to an online seminar on spring field work

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Dear Colleagues!

Scientific and Production Center for Grain Farming named after A. I. Barayev invites you to a video conference "Agrochemical examination and phytopathological assessment of cereal seeds" April 22, 2021 from 16:00 hours.
In a programme:
Agrochemical survey and compilation of agrochemical maps of fields
Kunanbayev Kairat Kaiyrbekovich, Ph.D., Head of the Analytical Department of Soil Quality and Crop Production.
Phytopathological assessment of cereal seeds
Irina Viktorovna Rukavitsina, Ph.D., Head of the Laboratory of Microbiology.
The contact person:
Tatiana Gontarenko, tel .: +7 705 102 3209, WhatsApp.
Join Zoom conference
Conference ID 898 1548 7711
Access code 111
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