Autumn application of mineral fertilizers


The issue of the autumn application of mineral fertilizers mainly concerns the replenishment of nitrogen nutrition.  Of course, with a low crop yield (up to 12 kg / ha), the removal of nitrogen will be insignificant, and its main amount will remain unused in the soil.  In this case, nitrogen fertilization can be omitted or, with a high phosphorus content, ammonium nitrate can be applied at a dose of 80-100 kg / ha.

When obtaining a yield of 15-20 c / ha, soil nitrogen reserves are used almost completely.  In this case, the dose of ammonium nitrate is increased to 150-200 kg / ha in physical weight.  Saltpeter is applied superficially for flat-cut processing or without tillage.

With surface application without subsequent treatment, the application period should be later, when the daily temperature goes below +10 degrees.  Autumn application of nitrogen fertilization is possible with cultivator seeders or seeding complexes with a planting depth of 5-10 cm.  In the same way, autumn application of phosphorus and complex fertilizers is possible in the widest range of doses.

Information is presented in detail on the website of the A.I.Barayev SPCGFскачать dle 12.0
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