“Topical issues of breeding and seed production in Northern Kazakhstan” seminar

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Dear colleagues!

Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev invites you to take part in the seminar on March 4, 2022

“Topical issues of breeding and seed production in Northern Kazakhstan”

The seminar will discuss the development of breeding and seed production in Northern Kazakhstan, the creation of new drought-resistant varieties of crops adapted to regional conditions, evaluation and improvement of the quality of seed material.

We are confident that your participation will contribute to the development of cooperation between all interested parties.


“SPCGF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP, Akmola region, Shortandy district, Nauchnyi settlement, conference hall.

Beginning at 10 o'clock.

For more information, please contact the following contacts:

Gontarenko Tatiana Viktorovna: +77051023209 WhatsApp, shortandy.ex@mail.ru

Applications for participation should be sent by e-mail: tsenter-zerna@mail.ru

The event is held in person and online on the ZOOM platform.

Connect to the Zoom Conference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89218392335?pwd=aTI1TXJXYjcxVU1jMjZZNENZdWt1dz09

Conference ID: 892 1839 2335

Access code: 12345

Seminar program

“Topical issues of breeding and seed production in Northern Kazakhstan”

Date: March 4, 2022

Location: “SPCGF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP, Akmola region, Shortandy district, Nauchnyi settlement

Moderator: Utebayev Maral Uralovich, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Science of “SPCGF named after A.I.Barayev”LLP

TimeLesson topicImplementors
9.3010.00Registration of participants
10.00-10.20Problems and ways of development of breeding and seed production in Northern KazakhstanSerekpayev Nurlan Amangeldinovich, Chairman of the Board of Directors
10.20–10.40New promising varieties of spring and soft wheat, breeding of SPC GF, adapted to the conditions of climate changeBabkenov Adylkhan Temirkhanovich, Head of Wheat Breeding Department
10.40-11.00The state of seed production of grain crops, problems, solutions and prospects, on the example of Akmola regionKATU named after S.Seifullin
11.00-11.15New varieties of barley and oats, including huskless forms for a balanced diet. New varieties of cereal crops, breeding of SPCGFKobernitskiy Vladimir Ivanovich, Head of cereals and grain crops laboratory
11.15-11.30Development of Breeding of legumes and oilseeds. New varieties of peas, lentils, rapeseed, sunflower adapted to the conditions of Northern KazakhstanOshergina Irina Petrovna, Head of cereals, legumes, forage and oilseeds breeding department


12.00-12.20New varieties of perennial grasses, breeding of SPCGF for the development of the fodder base of Northern KazakhstanPhillipova Nadezhda Ivanovna,head of the Department of perennial grasses breeding
12.20-12.40Features of the cultivation technology of cereals, legumes, oilseeds and fodder crops for seedsNogayev Adilbek Aydarkhanovich, Head of the Agriculture Department
12.40-13.00Evaluation of grain and seed quality. CertificationRepresentative of KazAgrEx JSC
13.00-13.20Agricultural insurance and subsidiesRepresentative of the Agriculture Department of Akmola region
13.20-13.50Discussion on the topics of the seminar. Summing up the results

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