On the International Women’s Day on March 8, I congratulate all the representatives of the beautiful half of our university!
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The staff of KATU named after S.Seifullin consists of more than half of women. There are also many girls among the university students who, contrary to stereotypes, successfully study for agronomists, engineers, veterinarians, foresters and many other "non-feminine" professions.
Your creative approach to achieving your goals, scientific achievements, the ability to solve several tasks at the same time, your commitment to order in everything make our common house – KATU named after S.Seifullin – successful and advanced in many positions.
You are not only successful scientists, not only highly qualified specialists in your field, but also caring daughters, wives and mothers. Thanks to you, the world is becoming more beautiful, gentler and kinder!
I wish each of you good health, success in science and studies, well-being and kindness to your families!
Sincerely yours,
Chairman of the Board of DirectorsKairat Aytuganov