The International Exhibition is a convenient platform for the cooperation development in agricultural science

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The scientific staff of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev visited the 17th International Specialized Exhibition of Agriculture AgriTek/FarmTek Astana’2022, which will be held from March 16 to 18, 2022 in Nur-Sultan. The annual exhibition has become one of the most important agricultural events in Kazakhstan.

The participants of the exhibitions are more than 300 large, well-known world agroconcerns from more than 30 countries of the near and far abroad, representing the entire spectrum of agriculture: livestock and meat and dairy, machine-building, chemical and food industries, as well as agriculture in general. The business program of the exhibitions provides for the organization and holding of seminars, presentations with the participation of leading industry specialists, heads of agricultural enterprises and innovation centers, business missions, etc. The exhibition is visited by more than 4 thousand farmers and other agricultural workers.

For the scientific staff of the Center, the International Exhibition is a convenient platform for getting acquainted with modern technologies and innovations in the agricultural sector, as well as for finding partners in the development of agricultural science, the implementation of projects and the introduction of developments in the field of breeding, intensive and precision farming.

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