A.I.Barayev SPCGF scientists took part in the exhibition AgriTek / FarmTek 2021


The 16th international specialized exhibition of agriculture AgriTek / FarmTek 2021 began its work in Nur-Sultan. The theme of the 16th international exhibition organized by TNT EXPO is "Agricultural machinery and equipment", "Equipment for gardening", "Livestock".
Manufacturers of agricultural machinery and equipment, fertilizers and plant protection products, feed, veterinary technologies and others take part in its work. About 100 companies from 8 countries demonstrate their achievements.
A.I.Barayev SPCGF scientists visited the AgriTek / FarmTek exhibition.
“Representatives of media in agriculture sector took part in the exhibition, with which the research staff of the Center had the opportunity to communicate and familiarize them with the activities of the Center and told about the scientific developments of scientists. Also at the exhibition were presented books with scientific publications of agricultural scientists, including a book by Nurlan Amangeldinovich Serekpayev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the SPCGF", - noted Filipova N.I., head of the perennial herb breeding laboratory.
The participating companies demonstrated a wide range of agricultural machinery and fertilizers. The scientists' attention was attracted by the company "Sorto Trade", where they tested the cleaning of such grain crops as exparcet, wheatgrass, rump and sweet clover on a new color separator. SPCGF scientists at already use a similar one-pan phytoseparator in their work, but the new model also interested them. In general, the researchers highly appreciated the equipment, fertilizers and developments presented at the exhibition A.I.Barayev SPCGF always strives to keep up with the times and apply the latest technologies in their work.
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