Scientists of SPC for grain farming congratulated KazSRIPFI on its 60th anniversary

LLP “Scientific-production center for grain farming named after A.I.Barayev” took part in the solemn event dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Kazakh branch of the “All-Union Research Institute for grain and its processing products”, currently the branch of the “Kazakh research institute of processing and food industry” LLP at Nur-Sultan city.

The event was attended by a delegation of employees of the SPC for grain farming named after A.I.Barayev. During the event, the SPCGF have presented an exhibition stand with a demonstration of scientific and practical achievements in precision farming and breeding. The event participants were presented with seeds and snops of new and promising varieties of cereals, oilseeds, legumes and fodder crops; Printed products: grain and feed crop catalogs, practical recommendations on cultivation, crop quality assessments and precision farming.

The exhibition aroused interest among employees of branch of KazSRIPFI in Nur-Sultan city, teachers, master and doctoral students of KazATU named after S.Seifullin, Kazakh University of Technology and Business.

On behalf of the staff and general director of the SPCGF, Doctor of agricultural sciences, academician Abdullayev Kenzhe Kozhakhmetovich was presented a congratulatory address with wishes of well-being, success in scientific activity, as well as a gift was presented computer equipment - multifunctional HR device.

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