General Director of SPCGF met with representatives of "Navistar Asia"
Within the framework of the exhibition “KazAgro-2019” and “KazFarm-2019” General Director of Scientific-production center for grain farming named after A.I.Barayev met with the head of the company “Navistar Asia” LLP Chingiz Akhmatov and Waldemar Schafer, regional manager of the company “Trimbler”.
Kenzhe Abdullayev told colleagues about the scientific and practical results of the A.I. Barayev Scientific-production center for grain farming, the adaptation of precision farming technology in the north of Kazakhstan, and the activities of the Project Management Center in the SPCGF, where scientists can conduct the process of managing the precision farming landfill online. As it is known, precision farming is a crop productivity management system based on a set of satellite and computer technologies. This project provides optimization and automation of processes, which at the output gives an increase in efficiency, productivity and high quality of the products. Kenzhe Abdullayev also discussed with representatives of “Navistar Asia” LLP issues of cooperation in the field of precision farming. It is worth noting that since 2018 SPCGF named after A.I. Barayev successfully implements the project of precision farming through the introduction of smart technologies and digitalization of production, which ensured a double growth of the yield compared to last year.
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