American scientists in the field of agrarian science visited Production Center of Grain farm named after A. Barayev

July 2, 2019 University of Texas (USA) representatives visited Research and Production Center of grain farming named after. A. Barayev. 

During the visit, the delegation met the general director of SPCGF Abdullaev Kenzhe Kozhakhmetovich, discussed possibilities of cooperation in the sphere of a feed production also visited field experiments with crops of long-term bean and cereal herbs, oil-bearing and bean crops.
During the meeting the general director of SPCGF of A. Barayev noted importance of cooperation with the American colleagues in the sphere agricultural industry. K. Abdullaev performed with the presentation on the main activities of the enterprise and scientific and practical to results of researches.
Also, members of the delegation were told about the development of feed production in Northern Kazakhstan, showed methods and equipment for quality assessment cereals.
Members of the delegation appreciated the possibilities of the control Center project, after seeing the process of controlling the landfill in precision farming online. Precision agriculture is a system of crop productivity management, based on the use of satellite and computer systems technologies.
This project provides optimization and automation processes, which at the output gives increased efficiency, performance and high quality of the products.
It should be noted, that since 2018 in the SPCGF named after. A. Barayev precision farming project successfully realized by introducing smart technologies and digitalization of production it provided a growth of a harvest twice on to comparison with last year.

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