Scientific and practical conference of young scientists

The Scientific and Practical Conference “The Contribution of Young Scientists to Innovative Technologies for the Agro-Industrial Complex”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Academician M. Suleimenov, was held at the Scientific and Practical Center named after A.Barayev.

The purpose of the conference is the development of creative activity of undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists, their involvement in solving the urgent problems of modern agrarian science, as well as promoting industrial and innovative development of the agro-industrial complex.

Conference participants were greeted by the General Director of SPCGF Kenzhe Abdullayev.

“The contribution of young scientists in the development of innovative technologies in the agro-industrial sector is very important. Your development in the form of new varieties of crops, growth stimulants will be the basis for the further development of the agro-industrial complex. The search for effective solutions in this area will shape the goals and objectives for modern staffing, as well as new discoveries for the effective development of the agro-industrial complex, ”said K. Abdullayev speaking to young scientists.

The conference heard the work of 30 young scientists who represented the North Kazakhstan Agricultural Complex, KazATU named after S.Seifullin, Karabalyk Experimental Station, KazPFI of the processing and food industry, KSU named after Sh.Ualikhanov, RSE CS, as well as SPCGF named after A.I.Barayev. All conference participants were awarded with certificates.

During the event, young scientists familiarized themselves with the work of the Barayev Center laboratories. They also visited special hangars, grain current and garages of the SPCGF, where they got acquainted with the machine-tractor and combine park.
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