Almaty hosted the І international forum of young scientists of the AIC

In Almaty, within the framework of the implementation of the Year of Youth events, the I International Forum of Young Scientists of the Agro-Industrial Complex was organized by the initiative of young scientists of the University at KazNAU: "The contribution of young scientists of Kazakhstan to the industrial-innovative development of the agro-industrial complex".

The purpose of the event is to unite the efforts and develop the creative activity of young scientists to solve current problems of modern agrarian science and the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The young scientist of SPCGF named after A.Barayev, the head of the durum wheat breeding laboratory Ruslan Zhylkybayev, who with the young researchers of the center could get 46.7 harvest centers from the Damsinskaya 2017 variety, has also taken part in the forum. During the event, he spoke about this variety, and also shared his experience with young colleagues.

Within the framework of the forum, youth “start-up” projects and the results of research and development projects were demonstrated. There were also organized workshops, exchange of experience, allowing to form professional competencies of the forum participants.
The forum was attended by young scientists from research institutes and young scientists from universities in Turkey, Poland, Serbia, Russia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and others.

The forum participants also familiarized themselves with the work of the AgroHUB, visited the Scientific and Educational Innovative Center for Food Technology and Food Quality, the Water HUB, the Scientific Library, the Center for Sustainable Agriculture, N.Nazarbayev Center for Education and Science, Situational Center, Center for Transformation and the University Museum.
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