Kenzhe Abdullayev discussed innovative solutions with John Deere representatives

On November 10-16, 2019, Hanover (Germany) hosts the world 's leading exhibition of agricultural machinery - AGRITECHNICA 2019.

General Director of LLP "Scientific-production center for grain farming named after A.I.Barayev" Kenzhe Abdullayev takes part in AGRITECHNICA 2019 exhibition. K.Abdullayev met with representatives of leading producers and suppliers of agricultural machinery, who presented their ideas and innovations, and also has discussed innovative and intelligent solutions taking into account the specifics of agricultural regions of Kazakhstan.

During the exhibition K.Abdullayev got acquainted with such innovative equipment as: installation for provision of Internet and communication of satellite inthe fields, fodder-harvesting combine of the last generation, Swedish sowing complex of the last generation (its speed sowing 18-20 km per hour, has 2 years guarantees), as well as sowing equipment of the last generation. Representatives of John Deere Company demonstrated K.Abdullayev combine of the future, which is planned to be produced in 3 years.

The main theme of Agirtechnica 2019: GLOBAL AGRICULTURE - LOCAL RESPONSIBILITY.

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