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Scientific section

Head of the laboratory - unit

Laboratory of perennial herbsbreeding

Head of the laboratory – 1 unit

Laboratory of Agrochemistry and Fertilizers

Head of the Laboratory – 1 unit

Requirements: availability of an academic degree of doctor or candidate of Sciences (PhD), master of Sciences, scientific works, experience in scientific and organizational work or highly qualified specialists in the relevant field of knowledge with the specified work experience in the specialties: Agronomy, Breeding and seed production, Plant protection and quarantine, Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Ecology, Biotechnology, Biology, Chemistry.

Team leader - unit

Group of primary seed production of spring wheat

Team leader-1 unit

Requirements:availability of an academic degree of doctor or candidate of Sciences (PhD), master of Sciences, scientific works, experience in scientific and organizational work or highly qualified specialists in the relevant field of knowledge with the specified work experience in the specialties: Agronomy, Breeding and seed production, Plant protection and quarantine, Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Ecology, Biotechnology, Biology, Chemistry.

Senior researchers - unit

Laboratory of Adaptive and Agro-landscape technologies

Senior researcher – 1 unit

Laboratory of Precision Farming

Seniorresearcher – 1 unit

Laboratory of Biochemistry and technological assessment of the quality of agricultural crops

Senior researcher – 1 unit

Requirements: availability of an academic degree of doctor or candidate of Sciences (PhD), master of Sciences, scientific works, copyright certificates for inventions or highly qualified specialists in the relevant field of knowledge with the specified work experience in the specialties: Agronomy, Breeding and seed production, Plant protection and quarantine, Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Ecology, Biotechnology, Biology, Chemistry.

Scientific staff - unit

Laboratory of Agricultural Technology of field crops and crop diversification

Scientific staff -1 unit

Plant Protection Laboratory

Scientific staff-2units

Laboratory of cereals and grain-forage crops breeding

Scientificstaff-1 unit

Laboratory of Soil and Agrochemical research

Scientific staff – 1 unit

Requirements: availability of an academic degree of doctor or candidate of sciences (PhD), master of Science or higher professional (with a diploma of a specialist), scientific works, copyright certificates for inventions in the specialties: Agronomy, Breeding and seed production, Plant protection and quarantine, Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Ecology, Biotechnology, Biology, Chemistry”.

Junior research worker -unit

Plant Protection Laboratory

Junior research worker - 1 unit

Laboratory of Genetic Resources of grain crops

Junior research worker - 1 unit

Laboratory of spring durum wheat breeding

Junior research worker – 1 unit

Laboratory of breeding of cereals and grain-fodder crops

Junior research worker – 1 unit

Laboratory of breeding of perennial herbs

Junior research worker – 1 unit

Requirements: availability of an academic degree of doctor or candidate of sciences (PhD), master of Science or higher professional (with a diploma of a specialist), scientific papers, copyright certificates for inventions in the specialties: Agronomy, Breeding and seed production, Plant protection and quarantine, Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Ecology, Biotechnology, Biology, Chemistry.

Production section

Department of Plant and Seed Production

Head of grain warehouse – 1 unit

Requirements: availability of secondary technical and professional (secondary specialized, secondary vocational) education, work experience as a warehouse manager of the current economy for at least 1 year or work experience in accounting and control for at least 2 years or general secondary education and work experience in accounting and control for at least 3 years.

Agronomist -seed grower -1unit

Agronomist -plant protection-1unit.

Requirements:availability of postgraduate or higher education (doctor in the field of professional skills, PhD, Masters degree, bachelors degree) in the following specialties: Agronomy, Breeding and seed production, Plant protection and quarantine, and work experience in the field of professional activity for at least 3 years.

Finance Department

Chief Accountant – 1 unit

Requirements:availability of postgraduate and higher education (doctor in profile, PhD, Masters degree, bachelors degree)or higher professional (economic, legal), practical work experience (at least three years out of the last calendar years of work related to accounting, accounting (financial) reporting or auditing), as well as having a certificate of a professional accountant, updated in accordance with the law.

Accountant for production, accounting and sales-1 unit.

Requirements:higher financial (economic) education and work experience in accounting and control for at least 3 years

Planning and Economic Department

State purchases specialist – 1 unit

Requirements: availability of postgraduate and higher education (doctor, PhD, master's degree, bachelor's degree) or higher professional (economic, legal) education and skills in working with the state purchase web portal (at least one year out of the last three calendar years of work related to state purchase).

HR and Legal Support Department

ComplianceOfficer– 1 unit

Requirements:availability of postgraduate and higher education (doctor, PhD, master's degree, bachelor's degree) or higher professional (economic, legal) education, work experience in the field of jurisprudence for at least 3 years. Knowledge of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including by-laws, regulations, legal acts. The practice of applying the current civil, financial, administrative, labor, criminal law, as well as laws and regulations in the field of combating corruption.

“SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev” LLP has the next vacancies:


Requirements: availability of secondary, specialized secondary, higher education

Location of “Scientific and Production center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev” LLP: Akmola region, Shortandydistric, Shortandy – 1 (Nauchnyi settlement) Barayev street 15, phone number:+7-716-31-2-30-29

Starting date of receiving documents: April 11, 2022at 9:00 a.m.

Deadline: April15, 2022 at 18:00 p.m.

The date of consideration and decision-making is from April 18, 2022

Requirements for the participants of the competition:

Persons with a higher or postgraduate education corresponding to the responsibility statement ofSPC GF named after A.I. Barayev LLP are allowed to participate in the competition for the positions of researchers.

Specialists who do not have the appropriate academic, academic title and academic degree, but have practical experience and recognized achievements in this specialty are allowed to participate in the competition for the replacement of above mentioned positions.

Applicants participating in the competition for vacant positions submit an application (in any form) addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev LLP.

The following documents are attached to the application:

-a personal data sheet (submitted by participants of third-party organizations);

- autobiography;

-copies of diplomas of higher education, academic and academic degrees, a document of academic rank;

-copies of certificates of retraining and advanced training (if available) and originals for verification;

-list of scientific works and inventions (if available);

-presentation of a 3-year work plan for filling vacant positions (in electronic form, no more than 10 slides), including presentation of a promising personal development plan (up to 5 slides);

-a long-term work plan for participants to fill vacant positions.

The provision of an incomplete package of documents according to the list provided for in this paragraph is the basis for refusal in any form to accept the application.

The participant of the competition has the right to submit additional information concerning his education, work experience, professional level (a list of scientific publications, recommendations from the Executive board of the previous place of work, etc.).

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