A honey-bearing conveyor has been launched on the basis of the SPCGF named after A.I. Barayev

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As part of the Plan for the implementation of the scientific, production, educational project, the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin launched the operation of a honey conveyor by creating a continuous feed base for bees on the basis of the SPCGF named after A. I. BarayevLLP to obtain organic honey. For this purpose, an agreement was signed with Zhasyl Aimak LLP for the lease of a land plot for a honey conveyor with an area of 620.5 hectares. SPCGF named after A.I.Barayev LLP carried out deep flat-cutting tillage on the site in the autumn of 2021. With the onset of spring, agrotechnical measures are carried out to close moisture and prepare seed material for sowing.From the third decade of April, it is planned to sow honey-bearing grasses (alfalfa, sainfoin, sweet clover). In the future, according to certain sowing dates, honey bearing crops (sunflower, rapeseed, mustard, phacelia, buckwheat) will be sown.

KATU named after S.Seifullin as part of a startup project, an apiary of 100 beehives with the necessary equipment and inventory for honey production has been created.

Big projects are still ahead. In 2023, it is planned to expand the apiary to the industrial level of 200 bee colonies, as well as increase honey production to 4 tons by creating a honey conveyor, which is a unique production site for practical training of students, undergraduates, doctoral students of the Faculty of Agronomy and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry Technology. Students are given a unique opportunity to conduct scientific experiments on the basis of the SPCGF named after A.I. Barayev on the study of issues of increasing the productivity of seeds of perennial and annual crops by creating honey-bearing conveyors and studying its economic efficiency in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan.

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