Dear compatriots, dear defenders of the Motherland!
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Dear compatriots, dear defenders of the Motherland!
I heartily congratulate you on the holiday!
It is deeply symbolic that Defenders of the Motherland Day is celebrated in our country on the eve of the great date, Victory Day. Our young army continues the glorious traditions of its grandfathers and great-grandfathers who fought with dignity during the Great Patriotic War. On this day, honors are paid to the defenders who ensure the security of the state, society and every citizen and protect the tranquility of our country.
At all times, love for the Motherland, responsibility for its fate and readiness to stand up for it at any moment have been and remain the most important values. To defend the Motherland in peacetime means to work honestly for its benefit, honoring the glorious traditions of our ancestors.
I wish you peace and harmony, kindness and prosperity to your families. May our independence grow stronger and the blue Flag of Kazakhstan proudly flies over us!
With best wishes, Chairman of the Board of Directors of “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP Nurlan Serekpayev