Implementation of the joint scientific project “CLIENT II” – international cooperation and innovation (REKKS)

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On July 14, a foreign delegation headed by the Parliamentary Press Secretary to the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture of Germany, Dr. Ophelia Nick, visited the Scientific and 0Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev. During the meeting with Chairman of the Board NurlanSerekpayev, the issues of long-term cooperation of the Center's scientists with German scientists on the implementation of research work on the joint project “Innovations in the development of methods of sustainable agricultural environmental management in conditions of changing climate in dry steppe areas”, participation in events held within the framework of the REKKS project, further fruitful cooperation in the field of agricultural science with the support of the German Ministry of Education and Science.

The project is aimed at developing methods of sustainable nature management in a changing climate in the arid regions of Kazakhstan and the south of Western Siberia. Joint research is being conducted on the optimization of the use of moisture, water balance in the soil-plant system, soil carbon, the study of the manifestation of wind erosion of soils, the justification of the system of direct seeding (No - Till) rational nutrition of plants, the dynamics of changes in soil conditions and water regime, weather conditions.

The research is carried out both on the basis of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev by the scientific staff of the Laboratory of Adaptive and Agro-landscape technology under the leadership of AkshalovKanat, and on the basis of farms. To study the moisture balance, a soil lysimeter was installed in the farm “Fermer 2002” in the Astrakhan district of the Akmola region and also three weather stations: SPC GF, in the North Kazakhstan region on the basis of agricultural formation, and at the Pavlodar AES.

The agricultural machinery of the company “Amazone” is used on the basis of the SPC GF, the German side donated a seeder for direct sowing, a mobile soil channel, soil stations and a weather station.

Joint scientific and production experiments are being conducted both at the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev and at the level of farms. According to the schedule, joint field seminars for farmers “Field Day” are held with a demonstration of field experimental fields and agricultural machinery. Joint scientific conferences are held. 6 employees have completed scientific internships at Universities and factories in Germany. Within the framework of this Project, contacts have been established between students, postgraduates of Kazakhstan and Germany. Programs are being implemented for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students.

Over the years of cooperation since 2000, the total volume of investments in the SPC GF named after A. I. Barayev in the form of scientific equipment, agricultural machinery amounted to about 500.0 thousand Euros. A soil analyzer worth 50.0 thousand euros was delivered as a Grant to the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin.

During the working visit, the members of the German delegation visited the historical museum of the Center, visited demonstration experimental stations to familiarize themselves with field experiments on intensive farming and the study of soil fertility in the conditions of climate change.

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