The lentils harvesting of the second and third sowing period and a different method of sowing in progress

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These days, at the station of the laboratory of agricultural technology of field crops and crop diversification (figures), the harvest of lentils of the second and third sowing period and different sowing methods is underway.

Within the framework of the STP “To develop a system of agriculture for the cultivation of agricultural crops (cereals, legumes, oilseeds and industrial crops) using elements of cultivation technology, differentiated nutrition, plant protection products and equipment for cost-effective production based on a comparative study of various cultivation technologies for the regions of Kazakhstan” at the field station, laboratory workers carried out research work on the study of 3 sowing dates – May 10, May 20 and May 30, 3 seeding rates – 1.0, 1.3 and 1.6 million. germinating seeds per 1 ha and 2 sowing methods – ordinary, row spacing – 25 cm and wide–row, row spacing – 50 cm of lentils, Shyraily variety, also studied 3 sowing period – May 15, May 25 and June 4 and 3 seed seeding rates - 1.5 2.5 and 3.5 million germinating seeds per 1 ha of buckwheat, Shortandinskaya 4 variety.

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