Scientists of SPCGF carry out plowing of a layer of perennial grasses at experimental field of perennial grass breeding department of the Center
In experimental field of the perennial grass breeding department, a plowing of perennial grasses was performed. A large role in increasing soil fertility belongs to perennial cereal and bean grasses, after plowing, which replenishes the soil with organic matter. Under the influence of perennial grasses, a powerful vegetable soil is created, a good soil structure, a considerable mass of organic residues accumulates at great depths, anaerobic conditions are created. All this leads to a significant improvement in biological, agrophysical and chemical indicators of fertility, phytosanitary condition of the soil and cleansing the field of weeds. Under the crops of perennial grasses, humus and nitrogen reserves increase, and, consequently, soil fertility also increases, which contributes to an increase in stable yields of subsequent crops over the years.
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