Scientists of SPCGF and Germany exchanged experience and results of practical work in North Kazakhstan

А meeting with German scientists was held at the "A.I.Barayev Scientific-production center for grain farming" LLP.

The meeting was organized as part of the German-Kazakh agrarian-political dialogue. The round table was attended by leading scientists, department heads and laboratory heads of the Center. The head of the Agrarian Political Dialogue as part of the delegation, Jörg Dinklacker, scientist from the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Daniel Müller and Martin Petrik, a representative of the University of Giessen named after Justus Liebig, discussed the prospects of scientific cooperation with academicians A.I. Barayev. German scientists in the agricultural sector spoke about their experience, scientific results and their practical work in the North Kazakhstan region with the scientists of the Center.
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