Event in honor of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On December 13, 2019, the Scientific-production center for grain farming named after A.I.Barayev held a solemn event in honor of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
On the eve of Independence Day, the General Director of the LLP “SPCGF named after A.I.Barayev”, academician Kenzhe Abdullayev, congratulated the Center’s team of scientists, noting their great achievements in scientific and practical activities, and thanked for their contribution to the development of agrarian science of Kazakhstan. “This year we celebrate the 28th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Every year, our country takes important steps towards sovereign development. This day is special for us. Kazakhstan Independence Day is a holiday of freedom and sovereignty of every citizen. Happy holiday dear colleagues! ", said Kenzhe Abdullayev.
Governor of the village "Damsa" Gulnar Abdrakhmanova took part in the solemn event of the SPCGF, noting the leading role of the LLP "Scientific-production center for grain farming named after A.I.Barayev" in the development of the village "Damsa". Akim congratulated the head of the Center, Kenzhe Abdullayev, as well as the entire team of scientists on the national holiday of Independence Day of Kazakhstan.
The Chairman of the Labor union Zhantas Turmakhanovich expressed his best wishes to all employees of the SPCGF in honor of the holiday and assured that the members of the Labor Union will continue to defend the rights of workers to jobs, safe working conditions and social guarantees.
Kaiysar Ashimovich is former worker of SPCGF, who worked for many years for SPCGF, does not forget his former colleagues. Kaiysar Ashimovich annually congratulates scientists on Independence Day and this time he came on the eve of the holiday to share joy with former colleagues. "I want to express gratitude to the head of the SPCGF Kenzhe Abdullayev for his great contribution to the work of the Center, he never forgets about veterans who worked at this enterprise. I also congratulate all scientists and wish them health, prosperity and success in their activities".
At the end, a festive concert was organized for the staff of SPCGF. Young talented artists such as Abai Tolepbergen, Erkebulan Murat, Azizkhan Guldana and Erlan Shakirbekovich performed songs for scientists.
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