The Ministry of Agriculture is focused on the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex - Saparkhan Omarov


At the meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Minister of Agriculture Saparkhan Omarov presented a detailed report on the work done by the Ministry of Agriculture to digitize the agro-industrial complex and land relations

 The minister said that over the past year, the ministry has carried out large-scale work to digitize public services and industry-specific business processes.  Their automation level has reached 94%.  In 2020, the share of services provided by the Ministry of Agriculture in electronic format increased by 34%.

A significant part of business processes is digitalized due to the Unified Automated Management System "E-Agriculture".  Thanks to this, farmers and representatives of trade organizations already receive the necessary documents on the Internet.

 In particular, all 11 permits have been digitized in crop production.  In the field of animal husbandry, 10 out of 12 permits have been transferred to electronic format.

 All directions of subsidies are 100% automated, as well as the processes of registration of agricultural machinery, accreditation of procurement organizations and the work of the commission to guarantee microcredits.

 Also, the Ministry of Agriculture has digitized the accounting of selection and breeding work in animal husbandry, which is maintained in the Information Analytical System.  35 thousand users can now confirm the origin of animals and regulate zootechnical events in electronic format.

 Saparkhan Omarov emphasized that Kazakhstan became the first EAEU country to introduce a unified system of accounting for agricultural animals, integrated with an information system for their identification.  Today it has over 35 million registered livestock units.  As part of the development of the system, the issuance of electronic veterinary passports will soon be introduced.

 At the same time, the minister noted that it is too early to put an end to the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex.  The ministry is working on a whole package of new tasks.

 At the moment, the levels of digitalization of the agricultural sector have been determined and work on the introduction of precision agriculture is being replicated.  The implementation of smart systems in a pilot mode has confirmed the positive effect.

 Thus, in precision farming with the use of new agronomic technologies, it was possible to get up to 20% more yield, while the farmer's costs were reduced by more than 15%.  The use of modern equipment in animal husbandry gave an increase in milk yield by more than 20%, the calf yield increased by 25%.

 According to S. Omarov, complete digitalization of processes in the agro-industrial complex within 5 years will give an additional effect:

 - Increase in gross collection - by 20%

 - Increase in labor productivity - by 50%.

 The Ministry of Agriculture expects that the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex will reduce risks and production costs, adapt to climate change, increase crop yields and animal productivity, and plan agricultural technologies in a timely manner.  Ultimately, the introduction of new technologies will increase the quality and competitiveness of Kazakhstani agricultural products.

 Separately, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture spoke about the work on digitalization of land relations.  He recalled that the basic tool for managing land relations is the Automated Information System of the State Land Cadastre, which stores 6.5 million information on land plots, including soil, geobotanical and agricultural maps.  Through this system, Kazakhstanis are provided with 12 out of 15 types of electronic state services in the field of land relations.

 By the end of this year, the ministry will complete the creation of soil, geobotanical and agricultural maps on 26, 25 and 6.5 million hectares, respectively.  In 2021-2022, coverage will be increased to 40 million hectares according to soil and geobotanical maps and to 33.2 million hectares according to agricultural maps.  As part of the future state program for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026.  it is planned to cover the entire volume with digital agricultural maps.

 Now the efforts of the ministry are focused on fulfilling the instructions of the Head of State regarding the establishment of order in the priority of providing agricultural land.  By the end of the first quarter of 2021, the department plans to complete the automation of the queuing process.

 As part of the execution of another order of the Head of State - to involve land in agricultural circulation - a pilot project on cosmomonitoring is being carried out.  According to the first stage, 8.3 million hectares of unused pasture land were identified in Akmola, East Kazakhstan, Kostanay and Mangistau regions.  2.6 million hectares of pastures have already been voluntarily returned to state ownership, owners of 5.7 million hectares of land have been notified.

 Also, the Ministry is carrying out legislative work on digitalization and development in the field of land relations, which provide for conceptual changes in the current procedure for providing land.скачать dle 12.0
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