S.Seifullin KATU students undergo practical training at the SPСGF

S.Seifullin KATU students undergo practical training at the SPСGF.
Third-year students studying at the Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University in the specialties "Soil Science and Agrochemistry", "Protection and Quarantine of Plants", "Agriculture and Plant Growing", went to the industrial practice at the Scientific and Production Center for Grain Farming named after A. Barayev to the v. Nauchnyi, Shortandinsky district, Akmola region.
The Department of Academic Affairs under the leadership of Tarasova K. A. worked out the routes of industrial practice at three subsidiaries of the university. A total of 142 students with the best academic performance will be sent to the SPCGF of the A. I. Barayev, the A. N. Bukeikhan Kazakh Research Institute of Forestry and the North Kazakhstan agricultural experimental station.
This is the first industrial practice of students in subsidiaries after their transition to the structure of S. Seifullin KazATU. Together with the students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the university also joined to work on their dissertations.
The practice was timed specifically to the beginning of sowing, so that future agronomists could participate in the process of spring field work. Students on their first trip were accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Ainash Nauanova.
Students arriving in the v.Nauchnyi will stay in a comfortable hotel. Meals and accommodation are paid by the university. Each outgoing student was given antiseptics before leaving, and upon arrival in the village they were presented with gifts in the form of packages with souvenir products with the Center's logo.
As reported in the SPCGF named after A.I.Barayev, all sanitary and epidemiological standards are observed in Center. Students were instructed on technical safety when working in laboratories.
Upon arrival in the village, the students were accommodated in the hotel "Meruert". There are sports grounds at the hotel, three meals a day are provided. Delivery to the field sites will be carried out by special vehicles.
After settling in the hotel, the students met with the management team of the scientitfic and production center. In his welcoming address to future colleagues, the Chairman of the Board, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor N. Serekpayev clearly outlined the goals and objectives that the Center for the Quality Organization of Practice sets for itself. At the end of the meeting, a visit to the Museum of the Center and a tour of the territory were organized.
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