Introduction of precision farming at A.I. Barayev SPCGF

In the period of 2018-2020 at A.I. Barayev SPCGF within the framework of program-targeted funding, one of the three republican demonstration polygons of precision farming was formed. Demonstration site (polygon) of precision farming is a structural subdivision of the Scientific - production center for grain farming named after A.I. Barayev and is an economic, innovative, demonstration, training, production site (test site) for fundamental and applied research, testing, initial testing and development of new agricultural technologies and equipment, including the use of elements of precision farming and provisions for the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex.
At the precision farming landfill, a production check and assessment of the following main technological elements of the precision farming system is carried out:
- agrochemical survey of farmland according to the conditions of precision farming;
- systems of manual parallel driving with the participation of a mechanic;
- automatic parallel driving systems;
- systems for differentiated fertilization;
- systems for the differentiated use of pesticides;
- systems for remote monitoring of agricultural machinery (fuel consumption sensors, GPS trackers)
- yield monitoring systems (generating yield maps)
- crop monitoring systems - aviation (unmanned aerial vehicles, drones), satellite (multispectral images of fields):
- information and expert systems for agricultural production.
Currently in the Scientific-production center for grain farming named after A.I. Barayev, work continues on the transfer and adaptation of precision farming elements to the conditions of crop production in Northern Kazakhstan.
For 2021-2023 within the framework of the approved project of program-targeted financing in the specialized scientific direction Smart Agriculture, further deepening and expansion of research on this topic is planned.
The goal of this project is to intensify the implementation of the concept of "smart" agriculture"in the republic with a focus on high-tech types of crop and livestock products, including on the basis of new technical solutions, within the framework of which tasks will be solved to improve the system of precision farming based on digitalization and differentiation of technological elements, methods of managing the production process and the use of information technology tools in the conditions of operating enterprises in Kazakhstan. Particular attention will be paid to improving the efficiency of using integrated reference and information systems in the production of crop products as the basis for improving the precision farming system.
Head of the laboratory of precision farming,
At the precision farming landfill, a production check and assessment of the following main technological elements of the precision farming system is carried out:
- agrochemical survey of farmland according to the conditions of precision farming;
- systems of manual parallel driving with the participation of a mechanic;
- automatic parallel driving systems;
- systems for differentiated fertilization;
- systems for the differentiated use of pesticides;
- systems for remote monitoring of agricultural machinery (fuel consumption sensors, GPS trackers)
- yield monitoring systems (generating yield maps)
- crop monitoring systems - aviation (unmanned aerial vehicles, drones), satellite (multispectral images of fields):
- information and expert systems for agricultural production.
Currently in the Scientific-production center for grain farming named after A.I. Barayev, work continues on the transfer and adaptation of precision farming elements to the conditions of crop production in Northern Kazakhstan.
For 2021-2023 within the framework of the approved project of program-targeted financing in the specialized scientific direction Smart Agriculture, further deepening and expansion of research on this topic is planned.
The goal of this project is to intensify the implementation of the concept of "smart" agriculture"in the republic with a focus on high-tech types of crop and livestock products, including on the basis of new technical solutions, within the framework of which tasks will be solved to improve the system of precision farming based on digitalization and differentiation of technological elements, methods of managing the production process and the use of information technology tools in the conditions of operating enterprises in Kazakhstan. Particular attention will be paid to improving the efficiency of using integrated reference and information systems in the production of crop products as the basis for improving the precision farming system.
Head of the laboratory of precision farming,
A.I. Barayev SPCGF,
Skoblikov V.F.
Skoblikov V.F.
856 -рет қаралды