Invitation to International Scientific and Practical Conference “Intensive agriculture and agricultural plants breeding for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses”


Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan “National Agrarian Scientific and Educational Center” NJSC

“Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin” NJSC

“Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.

I. Barayev” LLP

                                                    INFORMATIONAL LETTER

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Intensive agriculture and agricultural plants breeding for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses”, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC of Grain Farming named after A. I. Barayev (All-Union, then Kazakh Research Institute of Grain Farming named after A. I. Barayev).

-The conference is expected to address the following main issues:

-intensive agriculture is the basis for the rational use of land resources, the preservation and restoration of soil fertility;

-diversification of crop production is the basis for sustainable and cost-effective production of agricultural products;

-organic farming — new opportunities for the production of high-quality agricultural products;

-precision farming-the path to innovative agriculture;

-the gene pool and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiostressors is the basis for sustainable agricultural development.

The conference will be held on November 18, 2021 at the “Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A. I. Barayev” LLP.
Scientists, managers and specialists of commercial and non-commercial enterprises, farmers, experts, businessmen, teachers, doctoral students of scientific and educational institutions are invited to participate in the Conference.

By the beginning of the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of reports, articles, and references. The conference materials will be published free of charge. Working languages of the conference: Kazakh, English, Russian.

Main directions of the conference:
1) Agriculture and crop production
2) Breeding and seed production
3) Plant protection
4) Feed Production
5) Economic problems of the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan
6) Ecology and rational use of natural resources
7) Biology and Biotechnology

Materials for publication and applications for participation (according to appendices 1,2) must be submitted to the e-mail address:

Requirements for the reception and registration of articles:
·articles that have not been published before are accepted for publication; from one author — no more than one article; a research supervisor can be published in co-authorship in no more than two articles of students, undergraduates or doctoral students;
·the volume of the article, including the list of references, should be no more than 7 (full) pages of A4 format (portrait orientation), Times New Roman font (14 pt), single spacing, margins: top-2 cm, bottom-2 cm, left-2 cm, right-2 cm, indent 1.25; with line width alignment and mandatory setting of automatic hyphenation;
·on the first line in the center - the title of the article, the report in capital letters in bold with one interval, in the middle - the initials and surname of the author (in bold), in one interval-the city and the name of the organization or educational institution. The main text starts at 2 intervals with a red line;
·the list of references is placed at the end of the text and is compiled in the order of references to sources, references in the text are made in square brackets.

In order to ensure the quality of published materials and copyright compliance, all incoming articles are checked for plagiarism. The collection of conference materials will be typed by direct copying. In this regard, we draw your attention to the need to submit scientific articles in edited form, in compliance with all the above requirements.

Address and contact phone numbers of the organizing committee:

Kazakhstan,021601,Akmola region,Shortandy distr.,Nauchnyi sett.,SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev:Telephone/fax:+7 771 282 71 30;+7(71631)2 30 29;

Chairman of the conference
Organizing Committee,
Сhairman of board of directors
SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev                                Serekpayev N.A.

for participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Intensive agriculture and agricultural plants breeding for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses"



Middle name

Academic degree, title



Contact details:

Telephone number

Section name

Full title of the report


Date of filling in

Appendix 2
Example of abstract design
Shimelkova R. Zh., Aldiyarova A. K.
“Kazakh Agrarian and Technical University named after S. Seifullin” LLP,
Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Novelty of research.

Aims and objectives.
Material and methodology.

Research results.

(The list of references is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation”)


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