A.I. Barayev SPCGF scientists are doing a lot of work to create a solid forage base


Dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the A.I. Barayev SPCGF

Currently, the department for the breeding of perennial grasses includes laboratories: a laboratory for the gene pool of perennial grasses, a laboratory for the breeding of perennial grasses, a laboratory for the breeding of perennial legumes, a group of primary seed production of perennial grasses.
The main research areas of the perennial grasses breeding department are:
1.Introduction, comprehensive study, replenishment, formation and conservation of genetic resources of perennial forage grasses.
2. Creation of highly productive varieties of perennial cereal grasses: wheatgrass, awnless rump, bristlegrass (hairy grass), gray wheatgrass resistant to biotic and abiotic environmental factors for the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan.
3. Creation of highly productive varieties of perennial leguminous grasses: alfalfa, sainfoin, yellow and Volga sweet clover, resistant to biotic and abiotic environmental factors for the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan
4. Reproduction of zoned and new varieties of perennial cereals and leguminous herbs of the breeding of A.I. Barayev SPCGF for the purposes of the State Tax Inspection and the development of seed production.
The breeders of the department of breeding of perennial grasses of the A.I. Barayev SPCGF created more than 40 varieties of 10 types of perennial grasses.
At present, 24 varieties of perennial grasses have been zoned and allowed into production in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which include 7 crops of 10 species.
7 varieties are undergoing the State variety testing: Tan batyr wheatgrass, Volga sweet clover Ak tan, Farmersky rump, gray wheatgrass Breeze, Coral and Ural gem sainfoin, North-West alfalfa.
The Center is introducing zoned varieties of a new generation of perennial grasses selected by A.I. Barayev SPCGF by selling seeds of higher reproduction in the farms of Akmola, North Kazakhstan Pavlodar, Kostanay, East Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan regions.
To do this, since 2005 at the A.I. Barayev SPCGF organized the production of seeds of higher reproductions of highly productive varieties of perennial grasses and annually for this purpose 500 - 700 hectares are allocated and 60-100 tons of seeds of perennial and annual forage crops are produced.
The sown area under the varieties of herbs selected by the SPCGF in the Akmola region is more than 90%, in the North Kazakhstan region - more than 50%.
The creation and study of breeding material and new varieties of perennial grasses is carried out at the breeding station of the Center.
Harvesting of seeds of different ripening crops is carried out from mid-July to mid-August. In the field, research workers harvest seeds of promising numbers and zoned varieties of perennial grasses with Wintersteiger Classic and Delta, John Deere combines, after which primary and secondary cleaning of seeds is carried out, bringing them to the requirements of State standards. Further, the seeds of selection samples, numbers and varieties are laid for storage.
Seeds of varieties, promising breeding numbers of perennial grasses of domestic and foreign selection, wild populations collected by expeditions of different years from Northern, Central, Eastern Kazakhstan are stored in the repository of the department.
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