Turkish scientists have outlined cooperation with the Grain Farming Center named after A.I. Barayev

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     Within the mutually beneficial cooperation between Kazakhstan and Turkey in the field of agriculture, relations between representatives of agricultural science of both countries are being actively established today.

   On September 4, the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev was visited by foreign scientists: Abdullah Chil, Director of the Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Scientific Institute of Turkey, Ayshe Nuran Chil, a breeder scientist, head of the biotechnological laboratory of the Institute and Gulmira Samenova, director of Osterras (Turkey) in order to familiarize with the activities of the Kazakhstan Grain Farming Center. During the conversation, the Turkish colleagues showed great interest in the issues of cooperation in the field of seed production, testing of varieties of crops and the exchange of genetic materials of agricultural plants. 

    The Turkish side also expressed a desire to intensify the work of the research institute and our Center in terms of conducting joint scientific research in the field of crop production, in particular, on grain and oilseed crops. In the near future, the parties are scheduled to conclude a memorandum on the implementation of long-term scientific projects and the implementation of scientific internships to exchange experience on breeding research.

   The scientists visited the Analytical Center, talked with researchers on the review of biotechnological and soil research and the museum, where they were able to get acquainted with the history of the formation and development of the institute.
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