Sharing information in a team

Any exchange of information, especially in the best experience style, is especially important , but when it comes to the fact that colleagues on return from a foreign business trip feed the latest achievements in other countries on the range of issues they are interested in, this doubly encourages everyone to abandon the cliches in work and understand the usual guidelines in work.
Group of scientists of A. Barayev SPCGF was in scientific business trip in Aegean agricultural Institute, which is a public institution located in the suburbs of Izmir on the Aegean coast of Turkey. Agricultural scientists expressed their satisfaction with the business trip, as they had the opportunity to get acquainted with the activities of foreign colleagues of the profile Institute in the areas of their designated research that meet national and global requirements in agricultural science.
At the beginning of the meeting, the speakers showed a short video about the AAI. Then interesting reports were made by the head of the delegation B. Bekeshev, head of Department for commercialization and development , Zabolotskikh V. V. , head of precision farming department and Yu. Dolinnyi, head of department for genetic resources of spring wheat varieties. Their information aroused genuine interest in the audience, especially regarding the activities of seed gene banks and herbariums, solid institutions for storing seed materials, patenting of bred varieties, and other points. Our employees also shared their impressions of their visit to the center of biotechnology at the University and the Institute for research of the Turkic world and also how they were able to exchange views with representatives of the Turkish scientific community in a friendly atmosphere on issues of interest to them and discuss aspects of the upcoming exchange of experiences in the framework of international cooperation.
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