Zhumangarin Serik Makashevich Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan visited the Grain Farming Center named after A.I. Barayev

Today, as part of a working visit to Akmola region, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhumangarin Serik Makashevich visited the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev, whose research is aimed at the sustainability of agricultural production. Savin Timur Vladimirovich, Chairman of the Management Board of «SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev» LLP, talked more specifically about activities of the Center, new scientific directions in the development of grain production, prospects for new varieties of crops, issues of commercialization of scientific developments.
Today, the Center has updated the issues of improving the technology of growing crops, taking into account modern challenges, taking into account natural climate changes, expanding agrotechnical requirements for agricultural working bodies, substantiating and adapting new crops. The research is aimed at the development of high-tech, innovative technologies using digital platforms for various soil and climatic zones of the country, the use of new program documents (GIS technologies, remote sensing data and other Internet things). Much attention is paid to the introduction of scientific developments at the farm level, commercialization. International cooperation is actively developing. The Center for Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev cooperates fruitfully with German scientists. Together with «Amazone» (Germany), extensive research is being conducted to substantiate the working bodies for the seeder and direct seeding technology. Currently, «Amazone» seeders are widely used in Kazakhstan. The central office «Amazone Kazakhstan» has been established in Astana. Since 2017, the joint scientific research of SPC GF scientists with scientists from the Institute of Soil Science of the University of Leibniz, Hanover has been expanded; Center for Environmental Research, Institute of Geology and Geography of Martin Luther University, Halle on the basis of mutual cooperation in the field of soil degradation, climate change, the study of the manifestation of wind erosion of soils, soil fertility, educational activities. The total amount of investments by the German side in the SPC GF over the years of cooperation amounted to more than 0.5 million euros in the form of equipment for scientific research (precision seeder, agrometeostation, lysimeter, mobile soil channel, field tools, etc.). Joint seminars for farmers and students are held annually. German scientists and students participate in joint seminars and conferences in Kazakhstan. Joint scientific articles are published in highly rated scientific publications. Scientists of SPC GF undergo scientific internships at Universities in Germany.
Together with German scientists, it is planned to create a Regional Center for Sustainable Development and Competence for Central Asia in «Shortandy» at the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev (Kazakhstan), which will increase the level of scientific research, training of scientific personnel, the potential of farmers in improving and introducing new innovative solutions for agricultural production.
The recognition of the scientific achievements of the Center for Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev and scientific developments of the Center’s scientists was the decision of the organizing committee of the 9th World Congress «Conservation Agriculture» to hold the next 10th World Congress on Resource-saving Agriculture in Shortandy.
Zhumangarin S.M. asked in detail about developments in the field of crop breeding. Scientists of the Center Shelayeva T.V., Filippova N.I. and Oshergina I.P. talked about new promising varieties of cereals, perennial and annual grasses, legumes and oilseeds. In recent years, breeders have intensified their work on the creation of precocious, drought-resistant, high-yielding varieties of all crops. The Center has created and entered into the state register of Kazakhstan 105 varieties, including 35 varieties of spring soft wheat; 15 varieties of grain crops, 14 varieties of cereals, 7 varieties of oilseeds and 27 varieties of perennial grasses. Thus, in the total structure of spring wheat crops in Akmola region, the share of breeding varieties of the SPC of Grain Farming Center named after A.I. Barayev has increased since 2018 and in 2023 amounted to 67%, North Kazakhstan -23%, Kostanay -9%, Karaganda-14%. Such varieties of spring soft wheat as Shortandinskaya 95 improved and Astana are sown on an area of more than 1 million hectares.
The gene pool of agricultural crops is being replenished; practical breeding is carried out on 19 crops. For the needs of farmers, services are provided to determine the quality of grain, feed, oilseeds, and to assess agrochemical indicators of soil quality. So, during a visit to the laboratory of biochemistry and technological quality assessment, a line of durum wheat varieties breeding by «SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev» LLP was presented, characterized by a high content of protein and carotenoid pigments that give a bright color to pasta, as well as good commercial and technical properties.
Kanat Ashkeevich Akshalov, a leading scientist, head of the Laboratory of agro-landscape and adaptive Technology, informed in detail about the prospects for the development of farming systems, crop cultivation technology, climate change, decarbonization, soil degradation control, flood prevention, soil fertility improvement and carbon credit, reduction of agricultural production costs.
Deputy Prime Minister S.M. Zhumangarin highly appreciated the work of the Center, noting the relevance of the Center’s scientific developments for the development of domestic science and agricultural production. He also expressed a desire to pay attention to the development of the Center and increase the prestige of agricultural science.