Scientists of A. I. Barayev SPCGF cooperate with FSBSI "Agrophysical Research Institute" on precision farming

In the framework of scientific and technical cooperation between the Scientific-production center named after A.I. Barayev and the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Agrophysical Research Institute" (St. Petersburg), work is being carried out in the field of introduction of precision farming.
To perform the next stage of work, the Center was visited by Dr. of agricultural sciences, corresponding member RAS, head of the laboratory of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Agrophysical Research Institute" Yakushev Vyacheslav Viktorovich.
“We are pleased to exchange experience with the Center’s scientists and share our best practices on processing methods of remote sensing data, creating task maps for the differential application of various fertilizers”, - said V. Yakushev.
Currently, the Shortandy precision landfill is harvesting spring wheat. The center purchased new John Deere combines, which, during the harvesting the experimental field, implement map of yield. Scientists also discussed crop mapping.
“Today, we are creating an electronic yield map on the experimental field N 4, and this will be an integral indicator of our joint efforts. Next, we will analyze the data and summarize the research. It is gratifying that precision farming technologies have increased the resistance of crops to drought this year”, - V. Yakushev noted.скачать dle 12.0
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