Articles published in domestic publications in 2022

Scientific articles

Articles with impact factor -14

1 Turbekova, A., Oshergina, I., Kurmangozhinov, A., Ten, E., Amantayev, B. & Kipshakbaeva, G. (2022). Evaluation of the Genetic Material of the Grass Pea (Lathyrus Sa-tivus L.) Seed Collection in Northern Kazakhstan. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 22(2), 191-200. Q3, percentile - 45, IF-0.71.
2 Kuzbakova M, Khassanova G, Oshergina I, Ten E, Jatayev S, Yerzhebayeva R, Bula-tova K, Khalbayeva S, Schramm C, Anderson P, Sweetman C, Jenkins CLD, Soole KL and Shavrukov Y (2022) Height to first pod: A review of genetic and breeding approaches to im-prove combine harvesting in legume crops. Front. Plant Sci. 13:948099. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.948099 (Q1, percentile –93).
3 K. Kunanbayev, G. Churkina, V. Filonov, M. Utebayev, I. Rukavitsina Influence of Cultivation Technology on the Productivity of Spring Wheat and the Humus State of Southern Carbonate Soils of Northern Kazakhstan /Journal of Ecological Engineering 2022, 23(3), Р. 49–58 Polskie Towarzystwo-Inzyn-ierii Ekologicznej (Q3, percentile – 37 IF-0,3 ISSN 2299–8993, License CC-BY 4.0) February.
4 Alexey Morgounov, Timur Savin, Paulina Flis, Adylkhan Babkenov, Tatyana Shelae-va et al. Effects of environments and cultivars on grain ionome of spring wheat grown in Ka-zakhstan and Russia/ Crop and Pasture Science, 2022, 73(5), Р. 515–527/ 10.1071/CP 21493 percentile 75.
5 Amalova A, Yermekbayev K, Griffiths S, Abugalieva S, Babkenov A, Fedorenko E, Abugalieva A, Turuspekov Y. Identification of quantitative trait loci of agronomic traits in bread wheat using a Pamyati Azieva × Paragon mapping population harvested in three regions of Kazakhstan // PeerJ, 10:e14324. DOI: (Q 2, percentile –85)
6 М. У. Utebaev, T. V. Shelaeva, N. A. Bome, I. V. Chilimova, O. O. О. Kradetskaya, S. M. Dashkevich, V. V. Novokhatin L. I. Weisfeld Grain quality of spring wheat (Triticum aes-tivum L.) varieties of West Siberian breeding under conditions of Northern Kazakhstan /Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding, 2022.-183(3).- P.27-38 (Q4, percentile -9).
7 M.U. Utebayev, Y.Y. Dolinny, S.M. Dashkevich, and N.A. Bome Allelic composition of gliadin-coding loci as a 'portrait' in spring soft wheat selections of Russian and Kazakh ori-gins / Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 2022.- 54 (4). - Р. 755-766. percentile 44 Q 3.
8 Dashkevich, S.M., Utebaev, M.U., Kradetskaya, O.O., Zhylkybaev, R.S., Babkenov, A.T. The Genetic Potential of Spring Durum Wheat Grain Quality in the North of Kazakhstan// OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 2022, 22 (3): 347-355 DOI: 10.3844/ojbsci.2022.347.355 (Q3, percentile -45).
9 Filippova N.I., Rukavitsina I.V., Parsayev E.I., G.N. Churkina, T.M. Kobernitskaia, O.V. Tkachenko, K.K. Kunanbayev, V.A. Ostrovski and N.M. Mustafina Creation of a new highly roductive parent material of sweet clover (Melilotus Adans.) based on varietal and mi-crobial systems /Journal of Biological Sciencesс Q3, percentile - 45, IF-0.71.
10 Akhmetova G., Knapp D. G., Özer G., O’Donnell K., Laraba I., Kiyas A., Zabolotskich V., Gábor M. & Molnár, O. (2022). Multilocus molecular phylogenetic-led discovery and formal recognition of four novel root colonizing Fusarium species from Northern Kazakhstan and the phylogenetically divergent Fusarium steppicola lineage. MYCOLOGIA. percentile 80, Q 1, импакт 2,69.
11 B. Akhylbekova, N. Serekpaev, A. Nogaev and B. Zhumabek Pasture Productivite Depending on the Method of Pasture use in the Steppe Zone of Northern Kazakhstan / OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 2022.- Vol. 22 (4).- P.476-483.
12 A. Nogaev, N. Serekpaev, G. Stybayev, A. Baitelenova, N. Mukhanov Yield and nu-tritional value of forage crops for dairy goat production in the steppe of Northern Kazakhstan/ International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), 2022.- Vol. 12 (4).- P. 481-490. (Web of Science Collection Q4).
13 Zhanzakov B., Chernenok V., Persikova T., Nurmanov Y., Kuzdanova R., Serikpaeva Zh. The role of moisture conditions in the formation of yield and responsiveness of Lens culi-naris (L.) to phosphate fertilizers /Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2022.- Vol. 28 (№5).-Р. 783-793 (Scopus Q3).
14 Moritz Koza, Julia Pöhlitz, Aleksey Prays, Klaus Kaiser, Robert Mi-kutta, Christopher Conrad, Cordula Vogel, Tobias Meinel, Kanat Akshalov, Gerd Schmidt Po-tential erodibility of semi-arid steppe soils derived from aggregate stability tests/ European Journal Of Soil Science, 2022.- Vol 73.- Is.5 (Q 1, percentile 90).


1Oshergina I.P, Ten Y.A Study of the source material of the oilseed flax collection in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Vestnik nauki of KATU named after S. Seifullin. - 2022.- NO. 2 (113).- CH. II. - PP. 36-46.
2 М. M. Kuzbakova, G. J. Khassanova, S. A. Jataev, I. P. Oshergina, E. A. Ten Study of collection varieties of lentils in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Vestnik of KATU named after S. Seifullin. - 2022.-No. 1 (112). - p. 11-18.
3 Akhylbekova B.A., Serekpaev N.A., Nogaev A.A. State of pasture lands, pasture load and measures for rational use and prevention of degradation of pastures of dry-steppe zone of Akmola region // Vestnik nauki of KATU named after S. Seyfullin. - 2022.- No. 2 (113).- PART I. - p. 125-135.
4 Nogaev A.A., Serekpaev N.A. Goat breeding - status and prospects of development in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Akmola region // Vestnik nauki of KATU named after S. Sei-fullin. - 2022.- No. 2 (113).- CH. II. - P. 22-35.
5 Kradetskaya O.O., Chilimova I.V., Dashkevich S.M., Utebaev M.O., Kairzhanov E.K. Relationship of color differences of flour and grain with ash content and strength of flour of different varieties of soft wheat // Vestnik nauki of KATU named after S. Seifullin. - 2022.- No. 2 (113).- CH. I. - p.24-34.
6 Zhanzakov B.J, Chernenok V.G, Nurmanov E.T, Serikpaeva J.K Influence of nitrogen nutrition conditions on productivity and quality of lentils// Vestnik nauki of KATU named after S. Seifullin. - 2022.- No. 2 (113).- CH. I. - pp. 145-154.
7 Nazarova P.E., Nazdrachev Y.P., Mamykin E.V. Features of formation of the balance of nutrition elements in the soil under crops of spring triticale under conditions of traditional and organic farming// Vestnik nauki of KATU named after S. Seifullin. - 2022.- No. 2 (113).- PART I. - pp. 13-23.
8 Sayanov A.T., Babkenov A.T., Babkenova S.A., Kipshakbaeva G.A. Akmola Oblysy zhagdayynda zhazdyk zhumsak bidaidyn ortasha merzimde pisetin sorttaryn zertteu zhane bagalau // Vestnik of KATU named after S. Seyfullin. - 2022.- No. 1 (112). - pp. 62-73.
9 Akshalov K. A., Baisholanov S. S., Baimukanova O.N., Aueskhanov D.A., Kuzhinov M.B. Analysis of agrometeorological conditions of 2020 and 2021 vesetki in Northern Kazakh-stan: features and measures of adaptation to climate change // Vestnik nauki of KATU named after S. Seifullin. - 2022.- No. 3 (114).- PART I. - pp. 161-176.
10 Nogaev A. A., Mukhanov N. K., Serekpaev N. A., Baitelova A. A., Ashirbekova I. A. Perspective fodder crops for increasing the efficiency of raw material conveyor in the condi-tions of dry-steppe zone// Vestnik nauki of KATU named after S. Seifullin. - 2022.- No. 3 (114).- CH. I. - pp. 12-21.
11 Ten E.A., Oshergina I. P., Zhanzakov B. J. Evaluation of the main economically val-uable traits of different genotypes of legumes // Vestnik nauki of KATU named after S. Sei-fullin. - 2022.- No. 3 (114).- CH. I. - pp. 46-54.
12 Nazarova P.E. Nazdrachev Y.P. Effect of nitrogen nutrition intensification on the growth and development of spring triticale in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Vestnik nauki of KATU named after S. Seifullin. - 2022.- No. 4 (115).- CH. I. - pp. 37-48.
13 Zhanzakov B.J., Chernenok V.G. Mineraldy korektenu zhagdaiyna zhane azot tynaitkyshtaryn paidalanuyna bailanysty zhasymyktyn “Vekhovskaya” surypyn kara-konyr to-pyraktarda osirudin tiimdiligi // Vestnik nauki of KATU named after S. Seifullin. - 2022.- No. 4 (115).- pp.203-215.
14 Koshzhanova F. K., Akshalov K. A., Karbozov T. E., Baimukanova O. N., Aueskhanov D. A. Agrolandshafttardyn agroecologiyalyk zhagdaiyna agrotekhnologiyalardyn aseri // Vestnik nauki of KATU named after S. Seifullin. - 2022.- No. 4 (115).-pp. 115-126.
15 Khasanova G. J., Kuzbakova M. M., Oshergina I. P., Ten E. A. Evaluation of collection varieties of chickpea for economically valuable traits using cluster analysis and molecular markers // Vestnik nauki of KATU named after S. Seifullin. - 2022.- No. 4 (115).- pp.66-76.
16 Kunanbaev K.K., Skoblikov V.F. Variability of soil agrochemical indicators at the polygon of precision farming of SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev//Vestnik of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, 2022. -No. 3. - pp. 189-198.
17 Zueva N.B., Zhloba L.D., Mamykin E.V., Popolzukhina N.A. Influence of mineral fertilizers on the content of gross and mobile forms of trace elements in soils / Vestnik of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, 2022.- No. 3. -pp.129-138.
18 Nazarova P.E. Nazdrachev Y.P., Mamykin E.V. Yield of spring triticale in the steppe zone of Akmola region under conventional and organic farming systems / Vestnik of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, 2022. -No. 3. -pp. 236-251.
19 Bulgakova I.N., Rukavitsina I.V., Tkachenko O.V. Suppressiveness and phytotoxicity of southern carbonate chernozem under different technologies of spring wheat cultivation in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan / Vestnik of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, 2022. -No. 3. -pp. 147-157.
20 Nazarova P.E. Nazdrachev Y.P., Mamykin E.V. Yield of spring triticale in the steppe zone of Akmola region under traditional and organic farming systems / Vestnik of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, 2022. -No. 3. -pp. 236-251.
21 Zhurik S.A., Zabolotskikh V.V., Nazdrachev Ya.P. The role of soil treatment in the processes of regulation of agrophysical parameters and soil carbon sequestration in the cultivation of spring wheat and spring rapeseed // Vestnik of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata.-2022.- No. 4(63).- P.48-58.
22 Serekpaev N.A., Baitelenova A.A., Nogaev A.A., Mukhanov N.K., Kurbanbaev A.I., Akhylbekova B.A. Comparative assessment of the nutritional value of new fodder crops in the steppe zone of northern Kazakhstan // Vestnik of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata. - 2022.- No. 4(63).- P. 139-150. 139-150.
23 Ten E.A., Oshergina I.P. Productivity of pea and lentil varieties created in “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP, depending on abiotic environmental factors // Vestnik of Ky-zylorda University named after Korkyt Ata. - 2022.- No. 4(63). - P.P. 252-261.
24 Lisenovich A. Application of remote sensing and geoinformation systems in moni-toring the dynamics of water erosion // Vestnik of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata. - 2022.- No. 4(63). - P.198-206.
25 Bazilova D.S., Dolinniy Y.Y., Ivanova G.N. Source material for spring soft wheat breeding in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan / KazNAU. Researches, re-results, 2022.- No. 2(94). - pp. 37-46.
26 Kalendar R.N., Daurova A.K., Shamekova M.H., Oshergina I., Zhambakin K.J. Use of interspecific hybridization and mutagenesis to create new varieties of canola // Gylym zhane bilim journals, 2022.- No. 2-1 (67).- P. 247-256.
27 Kipshakbaeva G.A., Tleulina Z.T., Oshergina I.P., Amantaev B.O., Sarbasova N.A. Influence of cultivation conditions of soybean varieties of different origin on the formation of productivity and quality indicators // Gylym zhane bilim journals, 2022.- No. 2-1 (67).- P. 212-223. 212-223.
28 Zhumabek B., Baimukanova O.N., Aueskhanov D.A., Akshalov K. A. Topyrak ondeu zhuyesine bailanysty maily zygyrdyn onimdiligi // Multidisciplinary scientific journal “3i: in-tellect, idea, innovation - intellekt, ideya, innovatsiya”, 2022. - No.4. - pp. 142-149.
29 Baimukanova O. N., Akshalov K. A., Aueskhanov D. A., Kuzhinov M. B. Influence of slope exposure on the manifestation of erosion processes // Multidisciplinary scientific journal “3i: intellect, idea, innovation - intellekt, ideya, innovatsiya”, 2022. - No.4. - pp. 102-110.
30 Serekpaev N.A., Nogaev A.A., Ansabaeva A.A., Akhylbekova B.A. Organization of fencing for rational use of pastures // Multidisciplinary scientific journal “3i: intellect, idea, innovation - intellekt, ideya, innovatsiya”, 2022. - No.4. -pp.170-180.
31 Zueva N.B., Zhloba L.D., Kunanbaev K.K., Popolzukhina N.A. Ecological assessment of the condition of the arable layer of different types of soils in Northern Kazakhstan using No-Till technology // Vestnik of ENU. Series Chemistry. Geography. Ecology, 2022.- No.1 (138).- P.45-52.


1 Дашкевич С. М., Утебаев., М.У., Чилимова И.В., Крадецкая О.О, Шелаева Т.В. Оценка сортов яровой мягкой пшеницы по технологическим признакам Theoretical & Applied Science, 06. 06. 2022, Volume110: DOI:
2 A.M.Tagaev, K.A. Akshalov, S P Makhmadzjanov. Efficiency of complex agro-reclamation on irrigated lands // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, междунар. науч.-практ. конф. "Экологические проблемы продовольственной безопасности" Россия, 2022.- Т.1043. РИНЦ.
3 Вернер А.В., Коконов С.И. Приемы повышения продуктивности яровой мягкой пшеницы в условиях Северного Казахстана //Вестник ИжГСХА, 2022.- №2 (70).- С. 4-12.
4 Крадецкая О.О., Дашкевич С.М., Утебаев М.У, И.В. Чилимова, Е.А. Тен Урожай-ность, накопление масла и качество семян льна масличного в условиях Северного Казах-стана// Вестник Омского ГАУ.- 2022. - № 3 (47), С. 41-48. DOI 10.48136/ 2222-0364.
5 Долинный Ю.Ю., Коберницкий В.И. Комплексная оценка коллекционных образ-цов проса в условиях северного Казахстана // РФ, Владимирский земледелец, 2022.- №1.-С.48-51. РИНЦ. ISSN: 9999-4517 (Print).
6 Долинный Ю.Ю., Коберницкий В.И., Коконов С.И. Оценка коллекционных об-разцов проса по качественным показателям в условиях Северного Казахстана // Аграрная Россия. 2022.- № 10. -С. 16-20. РИНЦ 0,319.
7 Шелаева Т. В., Джазина Д. М., Утебаев М. У. Экологическое испытание сортов яровой мягкой пшеницы в условиях Северного Казахстана //Вестник Ульяновской ГСХА, 2022.-№2(58).- С.94-99. РИНЦ. ISSN: 1816-4501.
8 Долинный Ю.Ю. Коберницкий В.И., Коконов С.И. Оценка коллекции проса по структурным элементам урожая в Северном Казахстане // Известия Оренбургского госу-дарственного аграрного университета. 2022. № 5 (97). С. 49-54. ISSN 2073-0853.
9 Коберницкий В.И., Долинный Ю.Ю. Оценка продуктивности гречихи на началь-ных этапах селекции в условиях северного Казахстана // РФ, Владимирский земледелец, 2022.- №3.- С.45-49. РИНЦ. ISSN: 9999-4517 (Print).
10 Рукавицына И.В., Ткаченко О.В. Инфицирование зерна ярового тритикале мик-роорганизмами в зависимости от системы земледелия в условиях северного Казахстана /Современная микология в России, 2022.-Т.9.- С. 308-309.
11 Байшоланов С. С., Акшалов К. А., Ауесханов Д.А., Баймуканова О.Н. Связь урожайности яровой пшеницы с агрометеорологическими показателями в Северо-Казахстанской области РК// Гидрометеорологические исследования и прогнозы, 2022.- №4(386).- С. 130-146.
12 A. Nogaev, N. Serekpaev, G. Stybayev, A. Baitelenova, N. Mukhanov Yield and nu-tritional value of forage crops for dairy goat production in the steppe of Northern Kazakhstan/ International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), 2022.- Vol. 12 (4).- P. 481-490. ISSN 2224-4980.
13 М. У. Утебаев, Т. В. Шелаева, Н. А. Боме , И. В. Чилимова,О. О. Крадецкая, С. М. Дашкевич, В. В. Новохатин Л. И. Вайсфельд Качество зерна сортов яровой пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.) Западно-Сибирской селекции в условиях Северного Казахстана /Труды по прикладной ботанике, генетике и селекции, 2022.-183(3).- С.27-38 (Q4, процентиль –9).

Collections Abroad 21

1 Zhanzakov B.J. Some aspects of lentil cultivation in Akmola region // Compilation of articles of the international scientific conference, Belarus, Gorky, 2022.-Ch.2.-pp.17-23.
2 Werner A.V. Influence of varietal characteristics of spring soft wheat on growth, de-velopment and yield formation in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Scientific develop-ments and innovations in solving strategic problems of agroindustrial complex: mater. of inter-national scientific - practical conf., Izhevsk: FGBOU VO Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, 2022. - V. 1. - pp. 13-16.
3 Zueva N.B., Popolzukhina N.A. Influence of cultivation technologies and mineral fer-tilizers on soil microbiocenosis in wheat cultivation // Mater. XIII Nation. Scientific and Prac-tical Conf. “Ecological Readings – 2022”, OmSAU, 2022.- P.154-160.
4 Mustafina N.M., Filippova N.I. Study of wheat grass samples in competitive varietal testing in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Compilation of scientific reports XXIV In-ternational Scientific and Practical Forum: Agrarian Science - agricultural production of Sibe-ria, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Bulgaria, 2022. - p.40-41.
5 Parsaev E.I., Filippova N.I., Kobernitskaya T.M., Ostrovsky V.A., Mustafina N.M. Perennial grasses for sustainable development of fodder production in northern Kazakhstan // Agrarian science - agricultural production of Siberia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Bulgaria: compilation of scientific reports XXIV International Scientific and Practical Forum - Novosibirsk: SFNCA RAS, 2022. - pp. 48-49.
6 Mustafina N.M., Filippova N.I. Wheat grass varieties for sustainable development of fodder production in Northern Kazakhstan // Mater. of Interd. scientific - practical conf. “Agrophysical Institute: 90 years in the service of agriculture and crop production”, 2022. - pp.398-404.
7 Zueva N.B., Popolzukhina N.A. Influence of cultivation technologies and mineral fertilizers on soil microbiocenosis in wheat cultivation // Proceedings of the XIII National Scientific and Practical Conference “Ecological Readings – 2022”. -Omsk, 2022. - pp.154-159.
8 Babkenov A.T., Babkenova S.A., Kairzhanov E.K. Testing of spring wheat varieties in the conditions of Akmola region // Compilation of articles of the All-Russian scientific and practical conf. Breeding and technologies of production of environmentally safe crop produc-tion in the changing climate, Tyumen, 2022.- P.32-38.
9 Babkenova S.A., Babkenov A.T., Shabdan A.A. Distribution and development of sep-toriosis on spring wheat depending on weather conditions in the north of Kazakhstan // Agrari-an science - agricultural production of Siberia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Bulgaria: a collection of scientific reports XXIV International Scientific and Practical Forum - Novosi-birsk: SFNCA RAS, 2022. - pp. 78-81.
10 Slepkova N.N. Ecological variety testing of promising lines of spring barley and oats in the conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Mater. international scientific - practical in-ternet-conf. “Modern problems of agroecology – 2022”. - Nikolaev, 2022. - p.14.
11 Muzyka O.V. Prospects for the creation of new varieties of millet in the conditions of northern Kazakhstan // Mater. international scientific-practical internet-conf. “Modern prob-lems of agroecology – 2022”. - Nikolaev, 2022. - p.5.
12 Kobernitsky V.I. Use of gene resources of millet in the creation of new varieties // Mater. international scientific and practical internet-conference “Modern problems of agroecology – 2022”. - Nikolaev, 2022. - p.2.
13 Kobernitsky V.I. Problems of buckwheat genetic resources in Northern Kazakhstan // Mater. of Intern. scientific - practical internet-conference “Modern problems of agroecology – 2022”. - Nikolaev, 2022. - p.4.
14 Volobaeva V.A. Agroecological factors affecting the yield of buckwheat in Northern Kazakhstan // Mater. international scientific and practical internet-conference “Modern problems of agroecology – 2022”. - Nikolaev, 2022. - p.12.
15 Akhmetova, A.K., Kiyas, A.A. (2022). Biodiversity conservation through crop diversification in the northern Kazakhstan. // Mater. international scientific and practical internet-conf. “Agriculture -2022”- Nikolaev, 2022.- P.10.
16 Kiyas, A.A. Akhmetova, A.K. (2022). Features of minimum fallow preparation in fruit-shifting crop rotation. // Mater. international scientific and practical internet-conf. “Agriculture -2022”- Nikolaev, 2022. - p.11.
17 Kobernitsky V.I. Study of cold resistance of samples of millet // Mater. international scientific-practical internet-conf. “Agriculture -2022”- Nikolaev, 2022. - p.2.
18 Muzyka O.V. Technology of cultivation of millet samples in the conditions of northern Kazakhstan // Mater. of Intern. scientific-practical internet-conf. “Agriculture-2022”- Nikolaev, 2022. - p.7.
19 Volobaeva V.A. Influence of weather conditions of northern Kazakhstan on morphological features of buckwheat // Mater. of Intern. scientific-practical internet-conf. “Agriculture -2022”- Nikolaev, 2022. - p.4.
20 Dolinniy Y.Y., Bazilova D.S., Ivanova G.N. Results of the study of collection samples of spring barley in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // National Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual problems of effective use of agrochemicals and reproduction of soil fertility in the Middle Urals” P. 259-266.
21 Werner A. V. Effectiveness of fertilizer application on spring soft wheat crops depending on seeding rate on southern chernozems with arid climate P.41-45.

Publications in the RK 49

1 E.V. Mamykin, Y.P. Nazdrachev, P.E. Nazarova Influence of agroclimatic conditions of vegetation period on yield of spring soft wheat and nutrient element removal / Soil Science and Agrochemistry - 2022. - No. 3. - pp. 46-60.
2 Filippova, N.I.; Parsaev, E.I. Salt-tolerant species and varieties of perennial grasses // Agrarniy sektor. - 2022. - No.1(51). - pp.152-154.
3 Babkenova S.A., Babkenov A.T., Dolinniy Y.Y., Zhylkybaev R.S. Resistance of spring wheat varieties to stem rust pathogen in Akmola region // “Adaptation of crop production to global climate change: problems and solutions”: a compilation of materials of International. scientific and practical conf. - Almalybak, 2022. - pp. 26-29.
4 Oshergina I.P., Ten E.A., Chilimova I.V. Evaluation of pea samples for yield and nutritional quality of seeds // Compilation of materials. Intern. scientific and practical conference: “Adaptation of crop production to global climate change: problems and solutions”- Almalybak, 2022. - pp. 151-155.
5 Ivanova G. N., Dolinniy Y. Y., Bazilova D. S. Results of the study of the gene pool of spring wheat, barley, oats in the north of Kazakhstan / Compilation of Mater. Adaptation of plant breeding to the conditions of global climate change: problems and ways of solution - Almalybak, 2022. - pp 89-92.
6 Kobernitsky V.I. Zootechnical evaluation of lines of forage millet in the conditions of northern Kazakhstan // Compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Adaptation of crop production to the conditions of global climate change: problems and solutions (June 24-25, 2022). - Almalybak. - 2022. - pp.114-117.
7 Sayanov A.T., Kairzhanov E.K., Shelayeva T.V. Zhazdy zhumsak bidaidyn ortasha merzimde pisetin sorttaryn Akmola oblysy zhagdaiynda zertteu zhane bagalau// Osimdik sharuashylygyn klimattyn zhahandyk ozgeru zhagdailaryna beyimdeu: problemalar men sheshu zholdary” atty Halykaralyk gylymi praktik. conf. mater. Almalybak, 2022.- P. 167-170.
8 Zhanzakov B.J. Akmola Oblysy zhagydaiynda zhasymykty osiru // Compilation of materials. MNPK young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp. 122-125.
9 Lisenovic A. Remote monitoring of dynamics of water erosion manifestations // Compilation of materials. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp. 148-152.
10 Shupanova I.V. Functional express-diagnostics of the need of plants in the elements of mineral nutrition in the conditions of Akmola region// Compilation of Mater. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp.181-183.
11 Koshzhanova Zh. Aumakty agrolandshafttyk uiymdastyru kezinde zher bederinin topyrak kunarlylygyna aseri // Compilation of materials. MNPK young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp.138-141.
12 Mukhanov N.K. Soltustik Kazakstannyn dalaly aymagynda zhem-shop zhane tukym ondirisi ushin zhana mal azyktyk dakyl-paiza // Compilation of materials. MNPK young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp.155-159.
13 Akhylbekova B.A. Dynamics of botanical composition of the summer pasture area by seasons of the year in LLP “PH Arshyly”// Comp. of Mater. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp.97-101.
14 Werner A.V. System of control of weed vegetation on lentil crops// Comp. of Mater. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.112-114.
15 Kurbanbaev A.I. Soltustik Kazakhstannyn dalaly aymagynda birzhyldyk mal azyktyk dakyl kosparynyn onimin zhane sapasyn salystyrmaly bagalau // Comp. of materials. MNPK young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and Science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.145-148.
16 Shabdan A.A. Search for sources of resistance among spring barley varieties to hard rot in conditions of Akmola region // Comp. of materials. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.219-223.
17 Nazarova P.E., Mamykin E.V. Yield of spring triticale under different farming systems in the conditions of Akmola region // Comp. of mater. MNPK young scientists “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.12-15.
18 Mamykin E.V., Nazarova P.E. Yield of spring soft wheat at zero technology of cultivation in the conditions of Akmola region // Comp. of Mater. MNPK young scientists “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.152-155.
19 Keller S.N. Differentiated application of glyphosate-containing pesticides// Comp. of mater. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p. 132-135.
20 Keller E.N., Zabolotskikh V.V. Prospects and relevance of biological farming in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan// Comp. of mater. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp.135-138.
21 Bazarbayev B.B., Otarbayev D.A. Akmola oblysynyn ormandy dalaly aymagy zhagdayynda zhasymyk tukymynyn onimdiligine osimdikterdіn osuin rettegishterdіn aserі // Comp. of materials. MNPK young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.101-104.
22 Musynov K.M., Utelbaev E.A., Kanapin Ch.B. Field resistance of soybean varieties to Alternaria blight in conditions of forest-steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan // Comp. of mater. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp.238-241.
23 Utelbaev E.A., Makhanbet B.N., Zhasymyk (lens culinaris) estiginin aramshoptermen lastanuy men onimdiligine gerbitsidterdin aseri// Comp. of mater. MNPK young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.- P.176-181.
24 Nelis T.B., Davydova V.N. Harmfulness of meadow moth and measures to control it in lentil crops // Comp. mater. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp.159-163.
25 Ten E.A. Results of competitive varietal testing of lentils in the conditions of Akmola region 2021 // Comp. mater. MNPK young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future" - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp.211-215.
26 Kokusheva S.B. Comparative characteristics of promising lines of rapeseed in the control nursery in Akmola region 2021 // Comp. maters. MNPK young scientists “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp.241-245.
27 Zhylkybaev R.S. Zhazdyk katti bidaidyn perspektivti zhelileri// Comp. of materials. MNPK young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp.234-238.
28 Kairzhanov E.K., Sayanov A.T., Jazina D.M., Shelayeva T.V., A.T. Babkenov Prospective varieties of spring soft wheat breeding LLP "SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev"// Comp. of Mater.MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.- P.215-217.
29 Sayanov A.T., Kairzhanov E.K., Jazina D.M. Akmola oblysy zhagdayynda zazdyk zhumsak biday sorttaryn onimdiligi men tekhnologiyalyk korsetkishteri boyynsha salystirmaly bagalau // Comp. of materials. MNPK young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022. - p.217-219.
30 Jazina D.M., Shelayeva T.V. Breeding of early maturing and productive hybrids of spring soft wheat // Comp. of Mater. MNPK of young scientists “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.252-254.
31 Dolinniy Yu.Yu. Evaluation of collection samples of spring soft wheat on productivity in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Comp. mater. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullinskie readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.254-257.
32 Bazilova D.S. Soltustik Kazakhstan zhagdayynda zhazdyk zhumsak biday budandarynyn sandyk belgilerinin tukym kualauy // Comp. of materials. MNPK young scientists. “Seifullin readings-18: Youth and Science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.225-228.
33 Mustafina N. Soltustik Kazakstannyn dalalyk aimagyndagy ken zhapyrakty yerkekshoptin burabay sorty // Comp. of materials. MNPK young scientists. “Seifullin readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.228-231.
34 Ostrovsky V.A. Evaluation of alfalfa samples in nursery ecological varietal testing in the conditions of northern Kazakhstan // Comp. mater. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullin readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.231-234.
35 Tkachenko O.V. Distribution of soil fungi under wheat crops in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Comp. mater. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullin readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.168-171.
36 Zhloba L.D., Kunanbaev K.K., Zueva N.B. Elements of precision farming in the agrochemical survey of soils in Northern Kazakhstan // Comp. of maters. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullin readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.125-128.
37 Zueva N.B., Kunanbaev K.K. Influence of cultivation technology on the content of gross and mobile forms of trace elements in soils// Comp. of Mater. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullin readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp.128-132.
38 Kradetskaya O.O., Dashkevich S.M., Chilimova I.V., Utebaev M.U. Assessment of the quality of agricultural crops in “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev” // Comp. of Mater. MNPK of young scientists. “Seifullin readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp.223-225.
39 Volobaeva V.A. Elements of the structure of buckwheat yield in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Comp. of mater. ISPK of young scientists. “Seifullin readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-pp. 245-249.
40 Muzyka O.V. Influence of environmental factors on the yield of grain and green mass of millet in Northern Kazakhstan // Comp. mater. ISPK of young scientists. “Seifullin readings-18: Youth and science - a look into the future” - Nur-Sultan, 2022.-p.249-252.
41 Davydova V.N., Nelis T.B. Control of the number of hidden stem pests in crops of spring soft wheat by two-component insecticides// Comp. of materials of the international scientific conference “Seifullin readings 18 (2): Science of the XXI century - the era of transformation”- Nur-Sultan, 2022. -V.1. -P.1.- P.39 -42.
42 Nelis T., Davydova V. Influence of cropping systems on the number and harmfulness of spring wheat pests // Comp. mater. of international sci-entific conference “Seifullin readings 18 (2): Science of the XXI century - the era of transformation”- Nur-Sultan, 2022. - p.57-63.
43 Tkachenko O.V., Rukavitsina I.V., Bulgakova I.N. Cellulosolytic ac-tivity of soil at different levels of agro-technologies in the conditions of northern Kazakhstan // Comp. mater. international scientific-practical conf. “Seyfullin readings 18 (2): Science of the XXI century - the era of transfor-mation”- Nur-Sultan, 2022. - p.63-66.
44 Bazilova D.S. Soltustik kazakstan zhagdayyinda zhazdyk zhumsak bidaydyn ba-stapky materialy // Comp. of mater. of the international scien-tific conference “Seifullin readings 18 (2): Science of the XXI century - the era of transformation”- Nur-Sultan, 2022. - p. 172-176.
45 Zueva N.B., Zhloba L.D. Influence of cultivation technology on the content of total carbon and nitrogen in southern carbonate chernozem // Comp. mater. international scientific-practical conf. “Seifullin readings 18 (2): Science of XXI century - the era of transformation”- Nur-Sultan, 2022.-V.1. -P.1.- P.42-44.
46 Kharitonova A.S. Influence of sowing dates on features of distribution and di-dynamics of development of diseases of spring soft wheat//International. practical conf. “Sei-fulllin readings -18: science of XXI century - the era of transformation”. - Astana. - 2022. - No.1. - p. 147-151.
47 Kochorov A.S., Tuleeva A.K. Kharitonova A.S., Ten E.A. Resistance of zoned and promising varieties of lentils to harmful diseases in the conditions of Akmola region // Mater. of the international scientific conference “Seifullin readings-18(2): Science of XXI century - the era of transformation”, Nur-Sultan, 2022.-V.1. -P.1.- P.143 -145.
48 Bekeshev B., Temirova A. Economic and environmental efficiency of information technology in the management of crop production // Mater. of the international scientific-practical conference “Seifullin readings-18(2): Science of XXI century - the era of transfor-mation”, Nur-Sultan, 2022.-V.2.-P.1.- P.3-6.
49 Kobernitsky V.I., Muzyka O.V. Impromt - a new variety of forage millet for the con-ditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Comp. of articles of the international scientific conference “Global science and innovations 2022: Central Asia”, series “Agricultural Sciences”, Astana, 2022. - No.3(17). - p. 3-7.скачать dle 12.0
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