Articles published in domestic publications in 2021

Scientific articles

80 (+5 in press) List of published works
Articles published in domestic publications in 2021

RK journals

1. Nazarova P.E. Differentiated fertilizer application in the system of precision agriculture // BOOS-AGRO. - 2021. - No.1. - pp. 21-23.
2. А. Nogaev, A. Kochorov, V. Davydova, T. Nelis To save the harvest: recommendations of scientists// BOOS-AGRO. - 2021. - No.8. - p.10.
3. Filonov V.M., Nazarova P.E., Mamykin E.V. Organic farming - soil fertility and crop yields / Boss agro. - 2021 - No. 05 (177) P. 28.
4. Mamykin E.V., Filonov V.M., Nazdrachev Ya.P., Nazarova P.E. Efficiency of mineral fertilizers application under spring soft wheat under traditional farming / Soil science and agrochemistry - 2021. - No. 3. - pp. 55-64.
5. Zhloba L.D., Zueva N.B., Kunanbayev K.K. Soil quality and its fertility as a component of the new characteristic “soil health”/ / Bulletin of Science KATU named after S. Seifullin, additional - 2021.- No. 2(109). - P. 26-33
6. Akshalov K.A., Aueskhanov D.A., Kuzhinov M.J., Baimukanova O.N. Zhazdyk bidaidyn tukym sapasyna zhane onimdiliginetopyrak ondeu zhuyesinin aser // Vestnik KazATU, 2021.- No. 1(108). - pp.91-102.
7. Zadorozhnaya L.V., Filippova N.I. Study of promising populations of Psathyrostachys juncea (wild ruttishness) in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Bulletin of Science KATU named after S. Seifullin.- 2021.- No. 1(108).- P.53-61.
8. Kochorov A.S. Protection by biologization at storage of wheat seeds from phytopathogens// Bulletin of Science KATU named after S. Seifullin. -2021.- No.4.- P. 105-115.
9. Nogaev A.A., Serekpaev N.A., Mukhanov N.K., Baitelenova A.A., Ashirbekova I.A. Evaluation of productivity and nutrition of polycomponent mixtures and single-species sowings of forage crops in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Bulletin of Science KATU named after S. Seifullin. -2021.- No.3.- P.-50-61.

RF journals

1. Kharitonova A.S. Influence of different methods of spring wheat cultivation on the development of diseases// Plant Protection and Quarantine.-2021.-No.10.- P. 18-21.
2. Babkenova S.A., Kairzhanov E.K., Babkenov A.T., Dolinniy Yu.
Genetic resources of spring wheat resistant to brown rust// Vestnik of Ulyanovsk GSA, 2021.- No.3(55).-pp.126-130.
3. Mukhanov N.K., Kenenbaev T.S., Kurbanbaev A.I. Cultivation of single-species fodder crops and their mixtures in irrigated farming of northern Kazakhstan as one of the solutions of fodder base// Actual scientific research in the modern world. - 2021.- No. 9(77).- Ed. 2 .- P.53-58.
4. Ten E.A., Oshergina I.P. Study of pea seed lines in the nursery of con-competitive varietal testing in arid conditions of 2020. Bulletin of NSAU, 2021.- No. 3.- P.73-81.
5. Oshergina I.P., Ten E.A. Results of competitive varietal testing of spring rape samples in harsh conditions 2019// Agrarnaya Rossiya 2021. - N.6.- p. 3-7. DOI: 10.30906/1999-5636-2021-6-3-7
Oshergina I.P., Ten E.A. Analysis of the relationships between productivity, vegetation period and abiotic conditions in the nursery of competitive varietal testing of lentil//Vladimirskiy zemledelets.-2021.- No. 4.-p. 57-62
Babkenov A.T., Babkenova S.A., Kairzhanov E.K., Shelaeva T.V., Utebaev M.U. Results of spring soft wheat breeding for yield and resistance to unfavorable environmental factors in Northern Kazakhstan // Vladimirskiy zemledelets.-2021.- No. 4.-P. 37-40.

Compilations of the RF

1. Utebayev M., Bome N., Chilimova I.V., Kradetskaya O.O., Dolinny Y.Y., Weisfeld L.L. Allelic divercity of gliadin-coding loci of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) of Sibe-rian and Kazakh reeding // Plant Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology (PlantGen2021) The 6th International Scientific Conference.- Novosibirsk, 2021.- C. 227.
2. Turbekova A.S., Oshergina I.P., Ten E.A. Productivity of common vetch (Lathyrus Sativus L.) in the dry-steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan // SCIENCE INNOVATIONS. - Collection of stat. IV International scientific and practical conference. Petrozavodsk, 2021. - p.206-210. DOI 10.46916/06102021-978-5-00174-335-4
3. Zueva N.B., Zhloba L.D. Influence of cultivation technology on soil fertility in Northern Kazakhstan// ecological readings-2021: mater. XII scientific-practical conf., Omsk, 2021.-p.234-239.
4. Slepkova N.N. Inheritance of economically valuable traits by hybrids of spring barley F1 in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan//Agriculture-2021: Mater. international scientific and practical internet conf., Nikolayev, 2021.-P.38.
5. Dolinniy Yu.Yu. Evaluation of collection samples of spring wheat in conditions of Northern Kazakhstan// Agriculture-2021: mater. international scientific-practical internet conf.-Nikolaev, 2021.- P.8.
6. Ferderer E.I. Study of collection samples of spring wheat on economic-valuable features in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan// Agriculture-2021: Mater. international scientific-practical internet conf.-Nikolayev, 2021.- P.19.
7. Kobernitsky V.I. Quality of fodder of annual crops in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan// Agriculture-2021: mater. international scientific-practical internet conf.-Nikolaev, 2021.- P.2.
8. Volobaeva V.A. Prospects of cultivation and creation of new varieties of buckwheat in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan// Agriculture-2021: mater. international scientific-practical internet conf.-Nikolaev, 2021.- P.36
9. Ille O.V. Dynamics of grain crops biomass growth in conditions of Northern Kazakh-stan// Agriculture-2021: Mater. international scientific-practical internet conf.-Nikolayev, 2021.- P.33.
10. Kobernitsky V.I. Main elements of resource-saving technology of buckwheat cultiva-tion in Northern Kazakhstan // Directions of modernization improved and technological re-search in grain and legume crops: mater. international conf., Moldova, 2021.- P.210-217.
11. Mustafina N.M., Filippova N.I. Study of wheat grass samples in competitive varietal testing in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan// Agrarian science to agricultural production of Siberia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Belarus, Bulgaria, China: a collection of scientific works of the international scientific - practical forum. - Yakutsk, 2021.- P.40-42.
12. Parsaev E.I., Filippova N.I., Kobernitskaya T.M., Ostrovskiy V.A., Mustafina N.M. Perennial grasses for sustainable development of fodder production in Northern Kazakhstan// Agrarian science for agricultural production of Siberia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Belarus, Bul-garia, China: Collection of scientific works of the international scientific and practical forum.- Yakutsk, 2021.- P.48-50.
Babkenova S.A., Babkenov A.T., Shabdan A.A. Distribution and development of septoriosis on spring wheat depending on weather conditions in the north of Kazakhstan // Agrarian science to agricultural production of Siberia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Belarus, Bulgaria, China: a collection of scientific works of the international scientific and practical forum.- Yakutsk, 2021.- P.78-81.
Kochorov A.S. Leaf-stalk diseases of wheat and their harmfulness in Akmola region of Kazakhstan// Scientific support of sustainable development of agro-industrial complex: proceedings of the international scientific conference. N.A. Zaitseva // Solenoye Zaimishche settlement. FGBNU “PAFNTS RAN”, 2021. - p. 414-416
Kradetskaya O.O., Chilimova I.V., Novokhatin V.V. Determination of color differences of flour and finished products of soft wheat varieties grown in different climatic zones // Scientific support of sustainable development of agroindustrial complex: Mater. international scientific and practical conf. / comp. N.A. Zaitseva // Solenoye Zaimishche settlement. FGBNU “PAFNTS RAN”, 2021. - p.102-105
Chilimova I.V., Utebaev M.U., Kradetskaya O.O. Using express methods in the evaluation of spring soft wheat // Scientific support of sustainable development of agro-industrial complex: Mater. international scientific-practical conf. / comp. N.A. Zaitseva // Solenoye Zaimishche settlement. FGBNU “PAFNTS RAN”, 2021. -p. 456-458

Compilations of the RK

1. Kairzhanov E.K., Babkenova S.A., Babkenov A.T., Dolinniy Y.Y., Sayanov A.T. Study of genetic resources of spring wheat resistant to stem rust // GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2021: CENTRAL ASIA: Mater. XІІІ International Scientific and Practical Conference, Nur-Sultan, 2021.-p.32-34.
2. Kharitonova A.S. Influence of cultivation technologies on the distribution and development of septoriosis spots on spring soft wheat in Akmola region //Resource-saving technology of cultivation of agricultural crops - farming of the future: mater. international. scientific - practical conf.- Shymkent, 2021.- P. 448- 452. 448- 452.
3. Nelis T.B., Davydova V.N., Kairzhanova G.S. Biological efficiency of insecticidal dressing TABU NEO, s.c. on spring rape in Akmola region// Resource-saving technology of cultivation of agricultural crops - farming of the future: proceedings of the international scientific - practical conference - Shymkent, 2021.- P. 237-240. 237-240.
4. Kiyas A.A. Ekpe par kosymsha olum aludyn kepilі Resource-saving technology of cultivation of agricultural crops - farming of the future: mater. International. scientific and practical conf., Shymkent, 2021.- P.173-176.
5. Akshalov K.A., Skoblikov V.F innovative technologies in farming: first results Resource-saving technology of cultivation of agricultural crops - farming of the future: mater. International. scientific and practical conf., Shymkent, 2021.-P. 55-61.
6. Kobernitskaya T.M. Study of sainfoin breeding material in conditions of Akmola region Resource-saving technology of cultivation of agricultural crops - farming of the future: Mater. International. scientific and practical conf., Shymkent, 2021.-P. 166-170
7. Kobernitsky V. I. Study of annual fodder crops in the conditions of northern Kazakhstan Resource-saving technology of cultivation of agricultural crops - farming of the future: mater. International. scientific and practical conf., Shymkent, 2021.-P. 148-153
8. Zadorozhnaya L.V., Filippova N.I. A new variety of Psathyrostachys juncea Faradiz Resource-saving technology of cultivation of agricultural crops - farming of the future: Mater. Intern. scientific and practical conf., Shymkent, 2021.-P. 112-117
9. Babkenova S.A. Evaluation of varieties of spring soft wheat for group resistance to two types of rust //Resource-saving technology of cultivation of agricultural crops - farming of the future: mater. International. scientific-practical conf., Shymkent, 2021.-P. 70-73
10. Baimukanova O.N., Aueskhanov D., Akshalov K.A., Klyshbekov T.A., Taishukher Zh. Growth, development and yield of spring wheat depending on cultivation technology and weather conditions// Resource-saving technology of cultivation of agricultural crops - farming of the future: Mater. International. scientific and practical conf., Shymkent, 2021.-P. 73-78.
11. Mustafina N.M. Study of wheat grass in the control nursery in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Resource-saving technology of cultivation of agricultural crops - farming of the future: mater. international scientific - practical conference - Shymkent, 2021. p.226-229.
12. Nelis T.B1., Davydova V.N.1, Ismailova A.A.2 Protection of oilseed flax crops from pests in conditions of Akmola region// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a collection of proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.426-434.
13. Davydova V.N., Nelis T.B. Harmfulness of wheat thrips on spring soft wheat // Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a collection of proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.457-462
14. Ten E.A. Oshergina I.P. Competitive variety testing of sunflower lines in the conditions of Akmola region in 2020// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a collection of proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. 65th Anniversary of theSPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p. 217-223.
15. Ivanova G. N., Dolinniy Yu. Valuable material for spring soft wheat breeding// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference. dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.237-143.
16. Ostrovskiy V.A., Parsaev E.I. Valuable source material and methods of alfalfa breeding in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: comp. of proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p. 258-262.
17. Akshalov K.A. Development of scientific bases of virgin agriculture: lessons of the past, present and prospects// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: comp. of proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference. dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p. 94-109.
18. Babkenov A.T., Shelayeva T.V., Kairzhanov E.K., Jazina D.M., Sayanov A.T. Prospective lines of spring soft wheat adapted to the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a collection of proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference. dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.200-204.
19. Baimukanova O., Akshalov K., Aueskhanov D., Taishukher J. Modern sowing technologies of agricultural crops: requirements, efficiency// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.109-117.
20. Bulgakova I.N., Rukavitsina I.V. Efficiency of biological nitrogen fixation in sainfoin (onobrychis arenaria) // Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a collection of proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p. 143-148.
21. Volobaeva V. A. Formation of assimilative surface of buckwheat leaves in different phases of ontogenesis// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.204-210.
22. Dashkevich S.M., Utebaev M.U., Chilimova I.V., Kradetskaya O.O. Evaluation of the best quality varieties of spring soft wheat, created in “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP // Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.210-217.
23. Zhylkybaev R.S. Prospective lines of spring durum wheat// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference. 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.376-380.
24. Kobernitskaya T.M., Ostrovskiy V.A., Parsaev E.I., Filippova N.I. Yield and quality of promising numbers of sainfoin// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.243-248.
25. Kobernitsky V.I. Cereal crops breeding in SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev: history, traditions, achievements// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.262-271.
26. Kradetskaya O.O., Dashkevich S.M., Chilimova I.V. Carotenoid pigment content and color characteristics of durum wheat (triticum durum desf.) // Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.148-152.
27. Kiyas A.A., Suleimenov M.K., Akhmetova A.K. Osimdik sharuashylygyn artaraptandyru arkyly onimdi auyspaly egisterge koshudіn zholdary // Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.37-45.
28. Mamykin E. V. V., Filonov V.M., Nazdrachev Ya. P., Nazarova P. Е. Formation of productivity of spring wheat and triticale in conditions of traditional and organic cultivation technologies// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.45-55.
29. Muzyka O.V., Kobernitsky V.I. Study of collection samples of millet for productivity in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p. 223-228
30. Oshergina I.P., Ten E.A. Comparative evaluation of lentils varieties by elements of productivity// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific-practical conference, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p. 228-237.
31. Parsaev E.I., Filippova N.I., Chilimova I.V. Productivity and nutrition of fodder mass of varieties and breeding numbers of melilot (melilotus adans.) in the steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.251-258.
32. Rukavitsina I.V., Tkachenko O.V., Dashkevich S.M. Microbiological studies of wheat flour and finished bakery products for the presence of microorganisms harmful to human health // Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.87-94.
33. Slepkova N.N. Results of competitive varietal testing of spring oats in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.380-385.
34. Utebaev M.U., Dolinniy Y.Y. Variety of alleles of glutenincoding loci of spring soft wheat of Northern Kazakhstan// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific-practical conference, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.248-251.
35. Filippova N.I., Parsaev E.I., Ostrovskiy V.A. Seed production of perennial grasses in Northern Kazakhstan - the starting point of livestock production// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.360-366.
36. Chilimova I.V., Oshergina I.P., Kradetskaya O.O. Evaluation of pea varieties for quality // Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.152-156.
37. Shelayeva T.V. Breeding of spring soft wheat for resistance to lodging in conditions of Northern Kazakhstan// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.371-376.
38. Zhloba L.D., Zueva N.B. Influence of agrotechnologies on soil health in Kazakhstan // Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p. 161-165.
39. Zhanzakov B.J. Prospects of lentil cultivation in Kazakhstan (Review article) // Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.175-179.
40. Kochorov A.S., Sultanova N.D. Harmfulness of wheat root rot and soil infestation depending on predecessors in south-eastern Kazakhstan// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Scientific and Practical Research Center of Agricultural Plant Protection named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p.467-472.
41. Zueva N.B., Zhloba L.D., 2Popolzukhina N.A. Effect of long-term use of mineral fertilizers on the content of copper, zinc and cadmium in southern carbonate chernozem of Northern Kazakhstan // Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific-practical conference.
42. Kunanbayev K.K. Application of automation elements in agrochemical soil survey// Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: a compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the Scientific and Research Center of Plant Protection and Agriculture named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p. 60-62.
43. Kiyas A.A., Akhmetova A.K. Fruit exchange and rational use of arable land in the structure of crop rotations // Intensive farming and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses: compilation of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Shortandy, 2021. - p. 35-41.
44. Slepkova N.N. Results of breeding work on spring oats in Northern Kazakhstan Actual problems of agronomy in conditions of adaptation to global climate change: Mater. International scientific and practical conference, Almalybak, 2021.- P.287-288.
45. Babkenova S.A., Babkenov A.T., Shabdan A.A. Study of the species composition of septoriosis pathogens on wheat crops in Northern Kazakhstan // Actual problems of agroscience in the context of adaptation to global climate change: Mater. International. scientific and practical conf., Almalybak, 2021.- P.91-96.
46. Kiyas A.A., Shaimerdenov S.T. Diversification of crop rotations at the expense of profitable crops in Northern Kazakhstan //

Articles in foreign publications

1. Koza, М., Schmidt, G., Bondarovich, A., Akshalov K., Conrad, C., Pöhlitz, J. Сonse-quences of chemical pretreatments in particle size analysis for modelling wind erosion // Ge-oderma, 2021, 396, 115073 Голландия The Impact Factor 6.114 Q1
2. Irmulatov, B.R., Abdullaev, K.K., Komarov, A.A., Yakushev, V.V. On the prospects of precision management of wheat productivity in conditions of Northern Kazakhstan// Agricul-tural Biology, 2021, Vol. 56.- No. 1.-p. 92-102 Scopus-46 percentile;
3. Utebayev M., Bome N., Zemtsova, E.C., Chilimova I.V., Kradetskaya O.O. Divercity of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits and evaluation of genetic similarities in spring bread wheats from different breeding centers// Proceedings on Applied, Genetics and Breed-ing.- 2021, 182(1).- C. 99-109
4. Shamanin V.P., Flis H. ...Shelayeva T.V., Morgunov A.I. Genotypic and environmental variability of zinc content in grain of spring soft wheat varieties of the international nursery KASIB// Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. - 2021.-No.5.-P. 543-552 RSCI 0.858 in Scopus databases (SJR 2019 0.181, SNIP 2019 0.333; 3rd quartile Q3),
5. Zabolotskikh, V.V., Nazdrachev, Y.P., Zhurik, S.A., Werner, A.V. Influence of soil tillage and the preceding crop on certain indicators of soil fertility and yield of spring// (2021) Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25 (3), pp. 297-310. Q4 SJR 0.11
6. Gani Stybayev, Nurlan Serekpayev, Hristina Yancheva et al.. Succession dynamics, quality and production in improved and natural pastures in Northern Kazakhstan// Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 27 (Suppl.1)2021 Р.95-102 Scopus SJR на 2020 год - 0,248 Q3
7. Komarov, A.A., Zakharyan Yu., Irmulatov, B.R. Evaluation and analytical approximation of variograms for agricultural fields in the conditions of the Akmo-linsky Region of Kazakhstan//Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondi-rovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa, Т. 18, Вып. 3, С. 182 – 191, 2021. Scopus-35 процентиль;
8. Amalova, A (Amalova, Akerke), Abugalieva, S, Babkenov, A, Babkenova, S, Turuspekov, Y. «Genome-wide association study of yield components in spring wheat collection harvested under two water regimes in Northern Kazakhstan»// PEERJ. JUL 27 2021. Web of Science-Q-2.скачать dle 12.0
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