In Burabay district the seminar on the phased introduction of precision farming in farms was arranged by SPCGF scientists
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Scientists of the A.I. Barayev SPC for grain farming held a seminar-meeting with agricultural producers in Burabay region on the stage-by-stage introduction of precision farming in farms. The following speakers spoke at the seminar: Alexander Lisenovich, researcher of the precision agriculture laboratory on the topic "Precision farming in the production of crop products and agricultural enterprise management tools", Kochorov Abdummamat Suleimanovich, head of the plant protection laboratory on the topic "Protection of grain crops in the system of precision farming", Mamykin Evgeny, researcher of the laboratory of agrochemistry and fertilizers on the topic "Application of mineral fertilizers based on the results of agrochemical examination", Verner Arthur, senior researcher of the laboratory of agricultural technology, on the topic "Agrotechnical methods of increasing the productivity of growing grain crops". During the meeting, a discussion was held on the effectiveness of the acquisition of new equipment by farms for the introduction of precision farming, the modernization of equipment available on the farm, the acquisition of appropriate equipment and information systems for this, and the cost of their service. They also discussed issues on the modernization of grain harvesters with a yield mapping system, training farm specialists on the technical support of precision farming on the basis of the precision farming landfill of the A.I. Barayev SPCGF scientists also answered a number of questions on the conduct of an agrochemical survey, recommendations for fertilization, measures to combat weeds, and application of plant protection products. The participants of the seminar-meeting showed interest in cooperation with science in solving problematic issues of crop production.
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