Intensive farming

INFORMATION ON SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PROGRAMS UNDER PROGRAM-TARGETED FINANCING OF THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN FOR 2021-2023 BR10764908 URN BR10764908 “To develop a farming system of cultivation of agricultural crops (cereals, leguminous, oilseeds and industrial crops) using elements of cultivation technology, differentiated nutrition, plant protection products and machinery for profitable production on the basis of a comparative study of different cultivation technologies for the regions of Kazakhstan”
Amount of financing for 2021 - 2023 1 857 111 148 tenge. 2021 - 607 724 908 tenge; 2022 - 621 705 052 tenge; 2023 - 627 681 188 tenge
Object of research: agroecosystems (agrolandscapes) of Kazakhstan: southern and ordinary chernozems, chestnut, gray soils, water resources.
Goal: Increasing the productivity of the agro-industrial complex of the RK through the creation and improvement of technologies that increase the profitability of production of grain, leguminous, oilseed and industrial crops
The following objectives have been set:
To develop a farming system for cultivation of agricultural crops (cereals, legumes, oilseeds and industrial crops) using elements of cultivation technology, differentiated nutrition, plant protection products and machinery for profitable production on the basis of a comparative study of different cultivation technologies for the regions of Kazakhstan:
- Development and transfer of effective technological schemes of crop cultivation.
- Development of soil and resource-saving farming systems on the basis of crop production diversification, improvement of soil tillage and sowing systems for traditional and new crops, and mechanization means to increase productivity and quality of crop production, preservation and improvement of soil fertility in the conditions of market economy and changing climate.
- Development of fertilizer and plant protection systems against weeds, pests and diseases in modern farming systems, crop rotation in the system of soil and resource-saving farming.
- Scientific and methodological substantiation and recommendations on cultivation of crops on irrigated lands taking into account the increase of their areas up to 3.0 million hectares.
- Hydromodule zoning of existing and newly introduced irrigated areas by irrigation methods and techniques in the context of administrative regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The following results were obtained during the implementation of the STP in 2021-2023
Based on the conducted laboratory and field studies, the scientific foundations for the intensification of farming systems in agroecological, soil and hydromodule zones of the country, control of erosion processes, minimization of mechanical tillage, diversification and intensification of the structure of crops, plant nutrition, the use of biostimulators of seeds, plant growth and development have been developed, hydromodule zoning of irrigation and rational use of water resources for the development of a methodology for sustainable agricultural production taking into account the changing climate, the use of elements of information technology, modern agricultural machinery and instrumentation. Soil-, resource-saving system of growing crops in the country’s zones, water-saving irrigation technologies reduce the cost of production, are the basis of sustainable agriculture.
Agrometeorological conditions are characterized by frequent manifestations of drought and heat, uneven precipitation throughout the agricultural territory.
In the zone of ordinary and southern chernozem soils of Kostanay and North-Kazakhstan regions the system of reduced tillage and No-Till has a positive effect on qualitative indicators of soil fertility, water-physical properties of soils and productivity of spring wheat, oilseed flax and lentils. The highest grain yield from 1 hectare of rotation area 14.8 c/ha is provided under No-Till system. Profitability under the No-Till system is 176.3 and under the minimum tillage system - 185.6%. Long-term application of minimum tillage system and direct seeding does not lead to soil overconsolidation.
On bogar lands of South Kazakhstan on ordinary sierozem soils zero technology of winter wheat with the use of microfertilizers increases the productivity potential of winter wheat to the level of 29.8 and 30.7 c/ha at the cost of 1 centner of grain 3665 tenge in comparison with the cost of 6068 tenge without means of intensification.
Deep tillage with the use of laser leveling and biofertilizers. increases the yield of domestic variety of cotton “Maktaaral 4017” up to 34.5 c/ha and increases the yield of cotton by 7.8 c/ha compared to traditional cultivation technology. Net income increases to 460500 tenge per 1 hectare with profitability of 115.7%.
In the conditions of Western Kazakhstan on dark chestnut soils with a long manifestation of droughts and heat winter wheat forms the yield at the level of 16.3-17.9 c/ha with flat-cutting tillage at a depth of 10-12 and 25-27 cm. In severely dry years spring wheat yield is formed at the level of 1.7-4, 3 c/ha and barley yield at the level of 2-4 c/ha. Direct sowing and soil loosening reduce winter wheat yield up to 10-12 c/ha. The research results confirmed the ineffectiveness of growing spring grain crops in this zone.
In conditions of severe drought in the zone of low humus chernozem soils on landscape lands with low productivity, autumn mechanical tillage accumulates soil moisture for sowing by 22.1-24 mm more compared to the No-Till system and increases wheat yield by 40.2% for the fallow field and by 20.8-41.6% for stubble precursors.On more fertile chernozem soils in the southern carbonate zone on landscape lands with high soil fertility, the yield of spring wheat according to the No-Till system and the minimum tillage system do not differ significantly and exceed the yield of spring wheat according to the traditional soil preparation system by 2.6-2.7 times when grown on a fallow field and 2.7-2.9 times when grown according to stubble predecessors. The yield of permanent sowing of spring wheat when grown in one place for 45 years is not significantly inferior to the yield of wheat grown in crop rotation. The yield of spring wheat according to the No-Till system is 96.5% of the yield of spring wheat according to the minimum tillage system. The greatest net income is provided in the fruit-bearing crop rotations “mustard, wheat, peas, wheat” and “peas, wheat, flax, barley”.
On southern carbonate chernozem soils, nitrogen application (in autumn and spring) according to diagnostics increases grain yield of spring wheat on pea predecessor by 1.4-1.9 c/ha and on flax by 1.5-3.7 c/ha. Application of ammophos provides flax oilseeds increase by 1.3 and 1.6 c/ha. Nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers have no advantage over phosphorus fertilizers. Application of different solutions of nitrogen fertilizers as foliar fertilizers during the growing season of grain crops has no effect on wheat yields.
At transition to resource-saving systems of soil tillage and crops sowing, control of pests, diseases and weeds by pesticides increases the efficiency of minimum tillage system and direct sowing. Financial costs for protective measures are recouped when growing wheat 1.1 - 1.4 times, barley 0.8 - 1.1 times, lentils 1.3 - 1.5 times, flax 0.9 - 1.1 times, mustard 0.9 - 1.4 times.
In conditions of Almaty region on light-chestnut soils cultivation of pea-oat mixture increases the content of labile humus by 670 mg/kg of soil.Mineral fertilizers in the dose N60P60K30 increase the yield of safflower at mouldboard tillage by 14.2 %, flat-cut tillage by 17.6 % and on untreated soil by 15.2 %. Replacing tillage with direct seeding reduces safflower yields.
In conditions of unsupported bogara of South-East Kazakhstan, moldboard tillage and the system of minimum tillage provide better water resistance of aggregates, increase the content of total carbon, increase crop yields by 13.9-19.6% compared to zero tillage. The effectiveness of phosphate fertilizers is determined by the level of mobile phosphorus content in the soil. At high content of mobile phosphorus in the soil phosphorus fertilizers are not effective. Against the background of average content of mobile phosphorus increasing rates of phosphorus fertilizers from 130 to 185 and 240 kg/ha NPK provides additional 8.2, 10.6 and 11.7 kg of grain per hectare.
Zero technology increases the total carbon content in the soil with zero cultivation technology from 1.79% to 2.22% compared to traditional technology, where the content is 1.82% - 2.13%. The total carbon content is 1.28% higher in a virgin plot compared to arable land with different cultivation technologies. The coefficient of mineralization of organic matter (Cmin) for zero technology is higher in comparison with traditional technology. According to traditional technology, the processes of decomposition of fiber are weak (9.0-31.4%), in contrast to zero, where the decomposition of organic residues proceeds more intensively (28.3-43.5%. The maximum CO2 production is noted by zero technology - 4.0 CO2 kg/ha per hour (wheat on stubble) and low - in permanent wheat crops (3.3 CO2 kg/ha per hour). According to traditional technology, permanent wheat contributes to the intensive release of carbon dioxide (3.7 CO2 kg / ha per hour). The traditional tillage system based on multiple mechanical treatments contributes to more intensive processes of mineralization of organic matter.
Increasing the area of irrigated lands up to 3.0 million ha is realistic on the basis of involvement of unused, promising for irrigation areas, use of waterlogged and saline irrigated lands on the basis of modern methods of drip irrigation, modern irrigation machines on the principles of “Smart Irrigation”, and agro-ameliorative measures.The greatest efficiency of fertilizers is achieved at drip irrigation of rice and sugar beet under husk.
Developed hydromodule zoning will allow rational and efficient use of water resources.
Production trials have shown the relevance of adapting the results of research work at the farm level. In 2021-2023, 9 Field Days, 41 training and practical seminars and webinars for agricultural producers were held. 127 articles, 30 recommendations, 7 invention patents were published, 20 applications for protection documents were filed based on the results of research.
Organizations co-executors of the STP:
“Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant Growing” LLP
“South-Western Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Plant Growing” LLP
“Karabalyk Agricultural Experimental Station” LLP
“Ural Agricultural Experimental Station” LLP
“Krasnovodopad Agricultural Experimental Station” LLP
“North Kazakhstan Agricultural Experimental Station” LLP
“Kokshetau experimental production farm” LLP
“Agricultural experimental station “Zarechnoye” LLP
“Aktobe Agricultural Experimental Station” LLP
“Agricultural experimental station of cotton and melon growing” LLP
Leading organization: “Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev” LLP.
Program manager, PhD in Biological Sciences. Kunanbayev K.K.
Amount of financing for 2021 - 2023 1 857 111 148 tenge. 2021 - 607 724 908 tenge; 2022 - 621 705 052 tenge; 2023 - 627 681 188 tenge
Object of research: agroecosystems (agrolandscapes) of Kazakhstan: southern and ordinary chernozems, chestnut, gray soils, water resources.
Goal: Increasing the productivity of the agro-industrial complex of the RK through the creation and improvement of technologies that increase the profitability of production of grain, leguminous, oilseed and industrial crops
The following objectives have been set:
To develop a farming system for cultivation of agricultural crops (cereals, legumes, oilseeds and industrial crops) using elements of cultivation technology, differentiated nutrition, plant protection products and machinery for profitable production on the basis of a comparative study of different cultivation technologies for the regions of Kazakhstan:
- Development and transfer of effective technological schemes of crop cultivation.
- Development of soil and resource-saving farming systems on the basis of crop production diversification, improvement of soil tillage and sowing systems for traditional and new crops, and mechanization means to increase productivity and quality of crop production, preservation and improvement of soil fertility in the conditions of market economy and changing climate.
- Development of fertilizer and plant protection systems against weeds, pests and diseases in modern farming systems, crop rotation in the system of soil and resource-saving farming.
- Scientific and methodological substantiation and recommendations on cultivation of crops on irrigated lands taking into account the increase of their areas up to 3.0 million hectares.
- Hydromodule zoning of existing and newly introduced irrigated areas by irrigation methods and techniques in the context of administrative regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The following results were obtained during the implementation of the STP in 2021-2023
Based on the conducted laboratory and field studies, the scientific foundations for the intensification of farming systems in agroecological, soil and hydromodule zones of the country, control of erosion processes, minimization of mechanical tillage, diversification and intensification of the structure of crops, plant nutrition, the use of biostimulators of seeds, plant growth and development have been developed, hydromodule zoning of irrigation and rational use of water resources for the development of a methodology for sustainable agricultural production taking into account the changing climate, the use of elements of information technology, modern agricultural machinery and instrumentation. Soil-, resource-saving system of growing crops in the country’s zones, water-saving irrigation technologies reduce the cost of production, are the basis of sustainable agriculture.
Agrometeorological conditions are characterized by frequent manifestations of drought and heat, uneven precipitation throughout the agricultural territory.
In the zone of ordinary and southern chernozem soils of Kostanay and North-Kazakhstan regions the system of reduced tillage and No-Till has a positive effect on qualitative indicators of soil fertility, water-physical properties of soils and productivity of spring wheat, oilseed flax and lentils. The highest grain yield from 1 hectare of rotation area 14.8 c/ha is provided under No-Till system. Profitability under the No-Till system is 176.3 and under the minimum tillage system - 185.6%. Long-term application of minimum tillage system and direct seeding does not lead to soil overconsolidation.
On bogar lands of South Kazakhstan on ordinary sierozem soils zero technology of winter wheat with the use of microfertilizers increases the productivity potential of winter wheat to the level of 29.8 and 30.7 c/ha at the cost of 1 centner of grain 3665 tenge in comparison with the cost of 6068 tenge without means of intensification.
Deep tillage with the use of laser leveling and biofertilizers. increases the yield of domestic variety of cotton “Maktaaral 4017” up to 34.5 c/ha and increases the yield of cotton by 7.8 c/ha compared to traditional cultivation technology. Net income increases to 460500 tenge per 1 hectare with profitability of 115.7%.
In the conditions of Western Kazakhstan on dark chestnut soils with a long manifestation of droughts and heat winter wheat forms the yield at the level of 16.3-17.9 c/ha with flat-cutting tillage at a depth of 10-12 and 25-27 cm. In severely dry years spring wheat yield is formed at the level of 1.7-4, 3 c/ha and barley yield at the level of 2-4 c/ha. Direct sowing and soil loosening reduce winter wheat yield up to 10-12 c/ha. The research results confirmed the ineffectiveness of growing spring grain crops in this zone.
In conditions of severe drought in the zone of low humus chernozem soils on landscape lands with low productivity, autumn mechanical tillage accumulates soil moisture for sowing by 22.1-24 mm more compared to the No-Till system and increases wheat yield by 40.2% for the fallow field and by 20.8-41.6% for stubble precursors.On more fertile chernozem soils in the southern carbonate zone on landscape lands with high soil fertility, the yield of spring wheat according to the No-Till system and the minimum tillage system do not differ significantly and exceed the yield of spring wheat according to the traditional soil preparation system by 2.6-2.7 times when grown on a fallow field and 2.7-2.9 times when grown according to stubble predecessors. The yield of permanent sowing of spring wheat when grown in one place for 45 years is not significantly inferior to the yield of wheat grown in crop rotation. The yield of spring wheat according to the No-Till system is 96.5% of the yield of spring wheat according to the minimum tillage system. The greatest net income is provided in the fruit-bearing crop rotations “mustard, wheat, peas, wheat” and “peas, wheat, flax, barley”.
On southern carbonate chernozem soils, nitrogen application (in autumn and spring) according to diagnostics increases grain yield of spring wheat on pea predecessor by 1.4-1.9 c/ha and on flax by 1.5-3.7 c/ha. Application of ammophos provides flax oilseeds increase by 1.3 and 1.6 c/ha. Nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers have no advantage over phosphorus fertilizers. Application of different solutions of nitrogen fertilizers as foliar fertilizers during the growing season of grain crops has no effect on wheat yields.
At transition to resource-saving systems of soil tillage and crops sowing, control of pests, diseases and weeds by pesticides increases the efficiency of minimum tillage system and direct sowing. Financial costs for protective measures are recouped when growing wheat 1.1 - 1.4 times, barley 0.8 - 1.1 times, lentils 1.3 - 1.5 times, flax 0.9 - 1.1 times, mustard 0.9 - 1.4 times.
In conditions of Almaty region on light-chestnut soils cultivation of pea-oat mixture increases the content of labile humus by 670 mg/kg of soil.Mineral fertilizers in the dose N60P60K30 increase the yield of safflower at mouldboard tillage by 14.2 %, flat-cut tillage by 17.6 % and on untreated soil by 15.2 %. Replacing tillage with direct seeding reduces safflower yields.
In conditions of unsupported bogara of South-East Kazakhstan, moldboard tillage and the system of minimum tillage provide better water resistance of aggregates, increase the content of total carbon, increase crop yields by 13.9-19.6% compared to zero tillage. The effectiveness of phosphate fertilizers is determined by the level of mobile phosphorus content in the soil. At high content of mobile phosphorus in the soil phosphorus fertilizers are not effective. Against the background of average content of mobile phosphorus increasing rates of phosphorus fertilizers from 130 to 185 and 240 kg/ha NPK provides additional 8.2, 10.6 and 11.7 kg of grain per hectare.
Zero technology increases the total carbon content in the soil with zero cultivation technology from 1.79% to 2.22% compared to traditional technology, where the content is 1.82% - 2.13%. The total carbon content is 1.28% higher in a virgin plot compared to arable land with different cultivation technologies. The coefficient of mineralization of organic matter (Cmin) for zero technology is higher in comparison with traditional technology. According to traditional technology, the processes of decomposition of fiber are weak (9.0-31.4%), in contrast to zero, where the decomposition of organic residues proceeds more intensively (28.3-43.5%. The maximum CO2 production is noted by zero technology - 4.0 CO2 kg/ha per hour (wheat on stubble) and low - in permanent wheat crops (3.3 CO2 kg/ha per hour). According to traditional technology, permanent wheat contributes to the intensive release of carbon dioxide (3.7 CO2 kg / ha per hour). The traditional tillage system based on multiple mechanical treatments contributes to more intensive processes of mineralization of organic matter.
Increasing the area of irrigated lands up to 3.0 million ha is realistic on the basis of involvement of unused, promising for irrigation areas, use of waterlogged and saline irrigated lands on the basis of modern methods of drip irrigation, modern irrigation machines on the principles of “Smart Irrigation”, and agro-ameliorative measures.The greatest efficiency of fertilizers is achieved at drip irrigation of rice and sugar beet under husk.
Developed hydromodule zoning will allow rational and efficient use of water resources.
Production trials have shown the relevance of adapting the results of research work at the farm level. In 2021-2023, 9 Field Days, 41 training and practical seminars and webinars for agricultural producers were held. 127 articles, 30 recommendations, 7 invention patents were published, 20 applications for protection documents were filed based on the results of research.
Organizations co-executors of the STP:
“Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant Growing” LLP
“South-Western Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Plant Growing” LLP
“Karabalyk Agricultural Experimental Station” LLP
“Ural Agricultural Experimental Station” LLP
“Krasnovodopad Agricultural Experimental Station” LLP
“North Kazakhstan Agricultural Experimental Station” LLP
“Kokshetau experimental production farm” LLP
“Agricultural experimental station “Zarechnoye” LLP
“Aktobe Agricultural Experimental Station” LLP
“Agricultural experimental station of cotton and melon growing” LLP
Leading organization: “Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev” LLP.
Program manager, PhD in Biological Sciences. Kunanbayev K.K.
572 -рет қаралды