Articles published in domestic publications in 2023
Scientific articles

Articles of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, 2023 Scopus -10, RCSI -5, KKSON -18, Conferences of RK -7, RF-9 (50)
In foreign publications 17
1 A. Babkenov, S. Babkenova, S. Dashkevich, B. Kanafin, A. Shabdan and Y. Kair-zhanov Resistance to Brown and Stem Rust in Spring Soft Wheat Varieties in the Arid Climate of Northern Kazakhstan //OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 2023, Р. 411-417 percentile 41 Q3
2 Ten E.A., Oshergina I.P. Study of collection lentil varieties for selection of parental pairs in the conditions of Akmola region of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Znanstvena misel journal. - No.76. - 2023. - p. 9-15. - /badge/DOI/ 10.5281/ zenodo. 7766320.svg
3 K. Kunanbayev, V. Scoblikov, O. Solovyov, Yu. Tylayev, G. Churkinа, N. Zueva and B. Bekeshev Influence of sowing dates. soil fertility and crop rotation system on increasing the Yield level of various varieties of spring wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)// OnLine Journal of Bio-logical Sciences, 2023, 24(1), 1-8. (Scopus percentile 41).
4 Gani Stybayev, Meisam Zarga, Nurlan Serekpayev, Zhenis Zharlygassov, Aliya Baitelenova, Adilbek Nogaev, Nurbolat Mukhanov, Mohamed Ibrahim, Mohamed Elsergani and Aldaibe Ahmed, Abdalbare Abdiee Spring -planted cover crop impact on weed suppression, productivity, and feed quality of forage crops in Northern Kazakhstan /Agronomy 2023, 13, 1278. agronomy 13051278 https :/ / percentile 72, Q 2
5 N. Mukhanov, N. Serekpayev, N. Balgabayev, G. Stybayev, A. Baitelenova, A. Nogaev, A. Kurbanbayev and B. Akhylbekova Efficiency of Japanese Millet (Echinochloa Frumen-tacea) Fodder Crop Cultivation in the Arid Steppe //OnLine Journal of Biological Scienc-es 2023, 424-431 percentile 41 Q3
6 Kuprijanov, V. Chashkov, S. Kuanyshbaev, K. Valiev, S. Mamikhin, A. Shcheglov, A. Nugmanov, A. Bulaev, G. Sultangazina, K. Kunanbayev, O. Chernyavskaya, G. Baubekova, G. Ruchkina, O. Safronova, M. Uxikbayeva, and Y. Sokharev Assessment of the state and pro- ductivity of plant groups at the facilities of mines of a Uranium deposit in central Kazakhstan //SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics (ISSN 1029-7073), 2023. Vol. 55 (3) P. 864-876 percentile 43, Q 3
7 D. Tajibayev, K. Mukin, A. Babkenov, V. Chudinov, Abdelfattah A. Dababat, K. Jiyen-bayeva, S. Kenenbayev, T. Savin, V. Shamanin, V. Shamanin, K. Tagayev, A. Rsymbetov, M. Yessimbekova, V. Yusov, R. Zhylkybaev, A. Morgounov, M. Azhar Nadeem and Faheem Shehzad Baloch Exploring the Agronomic Performance and Molecular Characteriza-tion of Diverse Spring Durum Wheat Germplasm in Kazakhstan /Agronomy 2023, 13 (7) percentile 72, Q 2
8 Hou, L., Xin, X., Shen, B., Q. Qi, Altome, A.I.A., Hamed, Y.M.Z., Y. M. Zainelabdeen, Y. Ruirui, N. Serekpaev, A. Nogayev, B. Akhylbekova, M. Kussainova, A. Amartuvshin Ef-fects of Long-Term Grazing on Feed Intake and Digestibility of Cattle in Meadow Steppe// Agronomy 2023, 13(7), 1760; percentile 72, Q 2
9Lulu Hou, Xiaoping Xin, Haixia Sun, Yi Tao, Jiquan Chen, Ruirui Yan, Xiang Zhang, Beibei Shen, Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed Altome, Yousif Mohamed Zainelabdeen Hamed, Xu Wang, Serek-paev Nurlan, Nogayev Adilbek, Akhylbekova Balzhan, Maira Kussainova, Amartuvshin Amarjargal, Wei Fang, Alim Pulatov Grazing-induced cattle behaviour modulates the secondary pro-duction in a Eurasian steppe ecosystem //Science of The Total Environment Volume 889, 1 September 2023, 164191 percentile 95, Q 1
10 Chernenok, V., Persikova, T., Kaliaskar, D., Zhanzakov, B. Assessment of structural components in the formation of productivity of different Lens culinaris varieties against the background of the use of mineral fertilizers// AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science (2023), 45 (3), 499–512.
11 Khassanova G., Khalbayeva S., Serikbay D., Mazkirat S., Bulatova K., Utebayev M., Shavrukov Y. SNP Genotyping with Amplifluor-Like Method //Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2023.-Vol. 2638, p. 201 – 219. DOI 10.1007/978-1-0716-3024-2
12 Kochorov A.S., Y.A. Utelbayev, A.K. Tuleeva, A.S. Kharitonova, B.B. Bazarbayev, V.N. Davydova, T.B. Nelis, A.S. Aldabergenov, "Effect of seed protectants on fungal disease pathogens when using different technologies of oilseed flax (Linum usitatissimum) cultivation)" Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences (ISSN 1735-3033). 2023.Scopus: sourceid/21100913647. percentile 44
13 Ten.E.A., Oshergina I.P. Plasticity of collection varieties of spring rape, their stability and yield in drought conditions of Akmola region 2020-2022 // Higher School : scientific re-search, 2023.- No. 2.- P. 160-170. DOI:10.34660/INF. 2023. 88. 17.141
14 Ostrovsky V. A., S. I. Kokonov, T. N. Ryabova Comparative evaluation of seed productivity of varieties of alfalfa variegated in Northern Kazakhstan // Vestnik of Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. - 2023. - No. 3(75). - p. 10-16. - DOI 10.48012/1817-5457_2023_3_10-16.
15 Ostrovsky V.A., N.I. Filippova Kokonov S.I. Agroecological evaluation of varieties of alfalfa variegated in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Vestnik of Izhevsk State Agricul-tural Academy. - 2023. - No.1(73). - p. 22-28. - DOI 10.48012/1817-5457_2023_1_22-28. - EDN UQRXUF.
16 Oshergina I.P., Ten E.A. Abiotic factors of the northern region of Kazakhstan and sus-tainability of productivity of pea sowing with different leaf morphotype // Vladimirskiy zem-ledelets. - No.2 (104), 2023.- p. 56-61.
17 Ten E.A., Oshergina I.P. Ecological plasticity and yield of lentil collection varieties in the conditions of Akmola region // Vladimirskiy zemledelets. 2023. No.3. p. 55-60.
In domestic publications
Babkenov A.T., Babkenova SA, Sayanov A.T., Kairzhanov E.K. Prospective breeding ma-terial of spring soft wheat // Vestnik nauki of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin. - 2023. - No. 1 (116). - p. 150-157.
Akshalov K.A., Kuzhinov M.B., Baimukanova O.N., Baisholanov S.S., Zhumabek B., Mu-ratuly O. Productivity and profitability of oilseed flax depending on weather conditions and cultivation technology in conditions of arid farming // Vestnik nauki of the Kazakh Agrotech-nical Research University named after S. Seifullin- Astana. - 2023. -No.1. -p.196-211.
Ten E.A., Oshergina I.P., Zhanzakov B.J. Features of crop formation of lentil samples in stress conditions of Akmola region Khabarshysy auyl sharuashylygy gylymdary. - 2023.- No.2 (65).- p. 165-175.
А. Kochorov, A. Tuleeva, E. Utelbaev, V. Davydova, B. Bazarbaev Features and regula-tion of phytosanitary situation in crops of mustard (brassica juncea) under cultivation in the steppe zone of northern Kazakhstan // Izdenister, natizheler - Research, results.-2023.- No.2 (98). -p. 209-224 DOI:
Dashkevich S. M., Mamykin E. V. V., Kradetskaya O. O., Utebaev M. U., Chilimova I. V. Quality of pea grain depending on cultivation technologies and doses of fertilizer application // Vestnik of KATRU named after S. Seifullin. - 2023.- No. 2(117). - p.213-225
Mukhanov N.K., Stybaev G.J., Baitelenova A.A., Kurbanbaev A.I., Akhylbekova B.A. In-fluence of sowing dates and seed seeding rates on buckwheat grain yield in Akmola region // Vestnik of KATRU named after S. Seifullin. -2023.- No. 2(117). - p. 239-250.
Tleulina Z.T., Kipshakbaeva G.A., Oshergina I.P., Ten.E.A., Amantaev B.O. Mor-phobiological evaluation of soybean varieties of different origin in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Vestnik of KATRU named after S. Seifullin. -2023.- No. 2(117). - p. 225-236.
Jazina D. M., Kairzhanov E. K., Kradetskaya O. О. Relationship of yield and weight of 1000 seeds of promising lines of spring soft wheat in conditions of Akmola region// Vestnik of KATRU named after S. Seifullin. -2023.- No. 3(118). - p. 105-113.
Zhanzakov B.J., Chernenok V.G. Zhasymyktyn “viceroy” sortynyn azot tynaitkysh taryn engizuge zhauap kaytaruy Responsiveness of lentils to the application of nitrogen fertilizers variety “Viceroy” // Multidisciplinary scientific journal “3i: intellect, idea, innovation - intellect, ideya, innovatsiya”.- 2023. - No.1. - p. 103-116
Kobernitsky V.I., Volobaeva V.A. Music O.V. Buckwheat sown (fagopirum esculentum) as a source of rutin in the north of Kazakhstan // Multidisciplinary scientific journal “3i: intellect, idea, innovation - intellect, ideya, innovatsiya”.- 2023. - NO.2. - P. 117-126
Mukhanov N.K. Stybaev G.J. Zharlygasov J.B. Baitelenova A.A. Increase of ecological safety of irrigation norms at irrigated cultivation of fodder crops in conditions of steppe zone of northern Kazakhstan// Multidisciplinary scientific journal “3i: intellect, idea, innovation - intellect, ideya, innovatsiya”.- 2023. - No.2. - p. 148-156
Bazilova D. results of study of collection samples of spring barley in conditions of Northern Kazakhstan// Multidisciplinary scientific journal “3i: intellect, idea, innovation - intellect, ideya, innovatsiya”.- 2023. - No.3. - p. 43-51
Bazilova, Y. Dolinniy, G. Ivanova Features of yield formation of collection samples of spring soft wheat (triticum aestivum l.) in the conditions of northern Kazakhstan// lzdenister, natizheler - Researches, results.-2023.- No.3 (99). -p. 128-136. DOI:
I. Oshergina, E. Ten Comprehensive evaluation of pea genetic resources on the basis of cluster analysis // lzdenister, natizheler - Research, results.-2023.- No.3 (99). -p. 181-190 DOI:
Kobernitsky , T. Kobernitskaya , V. Volobaeva , O. Muzyka Comparative evaluation of sorghum collection samples under cultivation in the conditions of the north of Kazakhstan // lzdenister, natizheler - Researches, results.-2023.- No.3 (99). -p. 197-209. DOI:
Kochorov A.S., A.K. Tuleeva, E.A. Utelbaev, V.N. Davydova, B.B. Bazarbaev, “Features and regulation of phytosanitary situation in crops of mustard (brassica juncea) under cultivation in the steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan // lzdenister, natizheler.- 2023.- No.2 (098).-p.209-222.DOI
В. Kobernitsky, V. Volobaeva, Muzyka O. Variability of economically valuable traits of millet collection samples in the north of Kazakhstan// Іzdenister, natizheler - Researches, results.-2023.-No.2 (98). -p. 253-264 DOI:
Serekpaev N.A., Stybaev G.J., Nogaev A.A., Baitelenova A.A., Akhylbekova B.A. Comparative assessment of ground and satellite surveys and observations of pasture productivity of the steppe zone in the organization of paddock grazing // Khabarshysy auyl sharuashylygy gylymdary. - 2023.- No.2 (65).- p.62-73
Conferences of RK 7
Filippova N.I., Parsaev E.I., Mustafina N.M. Creation of varieties of awnless brome for the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Scientific and practical support of intensive development of animal husbandry and forage production at the present stage: mater. scientific-practical conf., KazNIIZhik, Almaty, 2023.-V.3.- P. 38-45-45-45. 38-45.
Parsaev E.I., Filippova N.I., Kobernitskaya T.M., Ostrovsky V.A. Results of selection of melilot on solonets in the dry-steppe zone of Akmola region // Scientific and practical support of intensive development of animal husbandry and fodder production at the present stage: proceedings of the scientific-practical conference, KazNIIZhizhik, Almaty, 2023.-V.3.- P. 94-98. 94-98
Nazarova, P.E. Yield of spring triticale under organic farming in northern Kazakhstan / P.E. Nazarova, Y.P. Nazdrachev // “Seifullin readings – 19” mater. international scientific - practical conf., 2023. - V.I.- P.I. - P. 12-15.
Kurbanbaev, A.I. Bir zhyldyk mal azyktyk dakyldarynan shop kospalaryn osirudin manyzdylygy / A.I. Kurbanbaev // “M “Seifullin readings – 19” mater. international scientific - practical conference. 2023. - VOL. I. PART I. - PP. 75-77.
Akshalov K., Aueskhanov D., Baymukanova O., Muratuly O. Use of biodiversity for increasing productivity of arable land in dryland farming // Science and Education in the modern world challenges of the XXI century” XII International scientific - practical conference, 2023.- P. 54 -58
Kuzhinov M., Akshalov K., Muratuly O. Influence of cultivation technology on productivity of grain, oilseed, leguminous and cereal crops in arid conditions of Kazakhstan // Science and education in the modern world challenges of the XXI century” XII International scientific-practical conference, 2023.- P.58 -62.
Baimukanova O., Akshalov K., Aueskhanov D., Muratuly O. Productivity of spring wheat under cultivation on stubble predecessors in arid conditions // Science and education in the modern world challenges of the XXI century" XII International scientific-practical conference, 2023.- P.62-66.
Conferencies of RF-9
В. A. Ostrovsky, N. I. Filippova, S. I. Kokonov Evaluation of winter hardiness and drought resistance of varieties of alfalfa variegated under the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan// AgroEcoInfo. - 2023. - No. 4(58). - DOI 10.51419/202134422. - EDN TZZFKU.
Ostrovskiy V.A., Ryabova T.N., Kokonov S.I. Fodder productivity of varieties of alfalfa variegated in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Innovative solutions to strategic problems of agroindustrial complex: Mater. Intern. scientific and practical conf., Izhevsk, 2023. -V. 1.- P. 130-133. -EDN SEGDMI.
Kiyas A.A., Akhmetova A.K. Shiftless cultivation of spring wheat on southern chernozems of Akmola region // Innovative processes in agriculture: collection of articles XV International scientific-practical conference. ed. by E. A. Dovletiarova, Moscow: RUDN, 2023.- P. -330-335. -330-335.
Kobernitsky V.I., Kobernitskaya T. M., Volobaeva V. A. To the question of determining the efficiency of production and use of fodder // Comp. of scientific articles on the results of the interd. scientific forum Science and Innovation - modern, Moscow: Infinity, 2023. - V1. - 193-198. DOI 10.34660/INF.2023. 34. 37.296
Werner A.V. Influence of varietal characteristics on sowing dates in the cultivation of spring soft wheat on southern carbonate black soils of Northern Kazakhstan //Innovative solutions to strategic problems of agro-industrial complex: proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference, Izhevsk, 2023.-V.1.- P.3-9.
Volobaeva V.A. Variability of technological traits of buckwheat quality in Kazakhstan//Innovative solutions of strategic problems of agroindustrial complex: mater. international scientific-practical conf., Izhevsk, 2023.-V.1.- P.9-16.
Dolinniy Y.Yu. Bazilova D.S., Ivanova G.N. Comparative evaluation of collection samples of spring soft wheat for a set of traits in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan //Innovative solutions to strategic problems of agroindustrial complex: proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, Izhevsk, 2023.-V.1.- P. 27-32. 27-32.
Kobernitsky V.I. Evaluation of millet breeding material by quality parameters in the north of Kazakhstan//Innovative solutions to strategic problems of agroindustrial complex: ma-ter. international scientific-practical conf., Izhevsk, 2023.-V.1.-P. 60-67.
Muzyka O.V. Quality indicators of fodder mass of millet varieties in the conditions of northern Kazakhstan// Innovative solutions of strategic problems of agroindustrial complex: Mater. international scientific-practical conference, Izhevsk, 2023.-V.1.- P. 107-112. 107-112
Nazdrachev Y.P., Zabolotskikh V.V., Mamykin E.V., Filonov V.Y., Nazarova P.E. Leaf fertilizers with nitrogen fertilizers: why no effect? //Agrarian Sector, 2023.- No. 2(56).- P.56-61.
Nazdrachev Ya. P. Mineral nutrition of plants in the conditions of specific soils of Kazakhstan // Agrobusiness - 2023. - No.2(88). - P. 22-24.
3. Nazdrachev Ya. P. Features of mineral nutrition of plants in arid conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Agrobusiness - 2023. - No.3(89). - P. 32-39.
Perennial leguminous grasses - the basis for the successful development of fodder production // SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev. News. 11.04.2023 [Electronic resource]
4. Scientists’ research has shown how to increase income from livestock farming in Northern Kazakhstan // APK Novosti. Information agency of Kazakhstan. 12.04.2023. [Electronic resource]
3. Kochorov A.S., Utelbaev E.A., Bazarbaev B.B., Davydova V.N., Kharitonova A.S., Nelis T.V. “Protection of grain, leguminous, oilseed crops from diseases, pests and weeds under different cultivation technologies in the conditions of Akmola region”: Recommendations, 2023.- p.64.
4. Kochorov A.S., Utelbaev E.A., Bazarbaev B.B., Aldabergenov A.S., Gorchak creeping - a particularly dangerous quarantine weed. “Vestnik Shortandy No.36 (6830) Thursday, 28.08. 2023”.
5. Kochorov A.S., Utelbaev E.A., Bazarbaev B.B., Aldabergenov A.S. Nakty eginshilik zhuyesinde sur tanapta aramshoptermen kuresudе gerbitsidterdі differentsialdy engіzu Іzdenіster, natizheler 2023, December (in press).
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