Mission and vision

About / About the centre
“Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A. I. Barayev” LLP is a leading institution in the republic engaged in applied research on the development of technologies for the cultivation of grain, legumes, oilseeds, forage crops and the creation of new varieties.
Mission – Development of fundamental and applied agricultural science, introduction of innovative developments in order to ensure food security, increase labor productivity and competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Vision – As a result of the implementation of the Program in the target region by 2024, significant positive changes will be achieved in the quality of the results of the SPCGF activities, including:
- modernization and digitalization of all technological and management processes will be carried out and a quality management system will be implemented;
-the implementation of 3 integrated interdisciplinary scientific and technical programs will be launched with the involvement of employees of leading research institutes and universities, and at least 7 scientific publications of SPCGF employees will be published annually in the most cited international publications;
- the competence of the scientific staff of the SPCGF will be significantly expanded - at least 2 long-term internships at the world's leading universities and research centers, at least 4 researchers in the master's and doctoral programs of leading domestic and foreign universities, and at least 25 internships in the framework of scientific research;
- in partnership with KATU, subsidiaries and technology leaders, at least 4 knowledge dissemination programs will be developed, covering all the main areas of the Target region's agro-industrial complex, where at least 50 specialists of agricultural organizations will be trained annually;
- a phased transfer of the educational process of SPCGF for programs related to the direction of training “Crop science” has begun, including undergraduate students-3-4 years of study, master's and doctoral students-all students.
- in partnership with KATU, subsidiaries and technology leaders, work continued on equipping technological platforms for precision and irrigated agriculture polygons, accelerated creation of crop varieties, and an analytical center for soil quality and crop production;
- in partnership with KATU, the reconstruction of the main building of the SPCGF for the implementation of the educational process has been completed;
The Center is the leading institution in the republic engaged in applied research on the development of technologies for the cultivation of cereals, legumes, oilseeds, forage crops and the creation of new varieties for the northern and central regions of Kazakhstan;
The Center was the coordinator, as well as the executor and co-executor of several scientific and technical budget programs of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
The Center is a major producer of original and elite seeds for all approved, recommended for use varieties of cereals, oilseeds, cereals and perennial grasses of the varieties of the SPCGF named after A. I. Barayev for the northern and central regions of Kazakhstan;
The Center is one of the few scientific institutions that develops and implements elements of the precision farming system aimed at increasing productivity and environmental friendliness of production, reducing the use of pesticides (pesticides), and improving the efficiency of fertilizers. The adaptation of precision farming is carried out in the Center on an area of 3000 hectares. The Center has sufficient equipment, tools, sowing complexes and harvesters necessary for its work;
The Center is one of the leading scientific institutions for advanced training, training of agro-industrial complex specialists, providing consulting services on crop production and agriculture for Northern and Central Kazakhstan;
Product range:
technologies, recommendations, guidelines, patents, new varieties, original seeds of agricultural crops, services for the analysis of agrochemical indicators of soil quality, for the analysis of the quality of grain, oilseeds and feed, consulting services.
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