Price List
Departments and laboratories / Spring wheat primary seed production group
APPROVED BY: Chairman of the Board of Directors “SPCGF named after A.I.Barayev” LLP, ________________SerekpayevN.A. «_____»___________ 2022 |
021601, RK Akmola region,
Shortandy district, Nauchnyi set., 15, Barayev str.
Phone number: +7 (71631) 2-30-29
Price List
for commercial services of the Analytical Center
for determining the quality of soil and crop production
Accredited in the system of subjects of accreditation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories” No. KZ.T.03.1538 dated June 18, 2020
No. | Determinable indicators | Cost of analysis of one sample, tenge |
Soil | ||
1 | Mobile phosphorus (Machigin, Chirikov) | 2000,0 |
2 | Mobile potassium (Machigin, Chirikov) | 1000,0 |
3 | Nitrate nitrogen | 2000,0 |
4 | Organic matter (humus) | 2000,0 |
5 | Mobile sulfur | 2000,0 |
6 | Labile humus | 6000,0 |
7 | Group composition of humus | 7000,0 |
8 | Solid (determination of salinity degree) | 3000,0 |
9 | Aqueous migrate (determination of salinity type) | 7000,0 |
10 | рН (aqueous, saline) | 1000,0 |
11 | Micro-elements (Zn, Co, Cu, Cd) | 5000,0 |
12 | Selection of one soil sample by an automatic sampler with GPS fixation | 2000,0 |
13 | Registration of the test report | 500,0 |
White straw crops | ||
1 | Moisture (МА-45, Sartorius) | 2000 |
2 | Natural weight | 1000 |
3 | Type composition | 700 |
4 | Organoleptic properties | 700 |
5 | Gluten quantity ST of the RK | 3000 |
6 | Gluten quality | |
7 | Nitrogen (protein) content by Kjeldahl method | 3500,0 |
8 | Moisture (dry matter) | 1500,0 |
9 | Fat (extraction method) | 5000,0 |
10 | Fibre | 2500,0 |
11 | Ash | 2500,0 |
12 | Carotenoid pigments, carotene | 3200,0 |
13 | Baking trial small loaves | 5000,0 |
14 | Alveograph (specific work of bakery dough elasticity, p/l) | 5000,0 |
15 | Falling-number | 3000,0 |
16 | Farinograph (VPS, bakery dough resistance to kneading) | 3500,0 |
17 | Weight per 100 kernels | 700,0 |
18 | Weed and grain admixture (wheat) | 1000,0 |
19 | Vitreousness GOST | 1000,0 |
20 | Vitreousness ICC | 1500,0 |
21 | Quantity of gluten ISO, gluten index (Glutomatic) | 5500,0 |
22 | Registration of the test report | 500,0 |
23 | Hitching selection | 800,0 |
24 | Preparation of samples for testing | 800,0 |
25 | Protein express method on the analyzer | 2500,0 |
26 | Quantity of gluten express method on the analyzer | 2500,0 |
27 | SDS - subsidence | 2000,0 |
28 | Registration of the test report | 500,0 |
Oilseed crops | ||
1 | Preparation of samples for testing | 800,0 |
2 | Organoleptic properties | 700,0 |
3 | Moisture (МА-45, Sartorius) | 2000,0 |
4 | Impurities content of oilseeds | 1200,0 |
5 | Oil content express method | 1700,0 |
6 | Fat (extraction method) | 6000,0 |
7 | Acidity | 2500,0 |
8 | Weight per 100 kernels | 700,0 |
9 | Acid number of the oil | 2500,0 |
10 | Fatty acid composition of the oil | 500,0 |
11 | Registration of the test report | 500,0 |
Leguminous crops | ||
1 | Preparation of samples for testing | 800,0 |
2 | Organoleptic properties | 700,0 |
3 | Protein express method on the analyzer | 2500,0 |
4 | Protein content by Kjeldahl method | 3500,0 |
5 | Registration of the test report | 500,0 |
Feed crop | ||
1 | Preparation of samples for testing | 800,0 |
2 | Organoleptic properties | 700,0 |
3 | Moisture (dry matter) | 1500,0 |
4 | Fat (extraction method) | 5000,0 |
5 | Fibre | 2500,0 |
6 | Ash | 2500,0 |
7 | Carotenoid pigments | 3200,0 |
8 | Nitrogen-free extractive substances | 500,0 |
9 | Registration of the test report | 500,0 |
Cereal crop | ||
1 | Nitrogen (protein) content by Kjeldahl method | 3500,0 |
2 | Fat (extraction method) | 5000,0 |
3 | Fibre | 2500,0 |
4 | Ash | 2500,0 |
5 | Carotenoid pigments | 3200,0 |
6 | Moisture (dry matter) | 1500,0 |
7 | Weight per 100 kernels | 700,0 |
8 | Grain unit | 1000,0 |
9 | Size and alignment | 1000,0 |
10 | Husk content | 1000,0 |
11 | Cooking assessment | 2500,0 |
12 | Registration of the test report | 500,0 |
Microbiology testing | ||
13 | Phytopathological analysis of seed material and grain of agricultural crops (analysis for latent infection with phytopathogenic fungi and general contamination with epiphytic microorganisms) | 30000,0 |
Head of the Analytical Center
for determining the quality of soil and crop productionК.К.Kunanbayev
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