SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev participates in the 1st Kazakhstan Conference-Contract “Seed Day”Tukym-2022”

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SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev participates in the work of the 1st Kazakhstan Conference-Contract Seed Day "Tukym-2022. The conferences program includes Current state and trends in the seed market, Features and conditions of spring field work in 2022, as well as Conditions for effective agribusiness. The conference is attended by large breeding centers of Kazakhstan, Russia, seed sellers, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NASEC, suppliers of agricultural machinery, fertilizers, agricultural firms, agricultural producers.

There works an exhibition of seeds and fertilizers, where SPC GF presented new drought-resistant varieties of grain crops, grain fodder, legumes, oilseeds, cereals, forage crops. For agricultural producers in the spring, the issues of providing seeds, the selection of crops and varieties adapted to regional conditions and climate change are relevant. The meeting of breeders with producers, discussion, presentation of new varieties promotes cooperation in the field of breeding and seed production, the creation of promising, popular varieties of agricultural crops.

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