SPCGF scientists held a seminar with representatives of agribusiness in the Atbasar district

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Seminar-meeting was held in the Atbasar district under the chairmanship of the deputy akim of the region Alimzhanov Kenesh Galibekovich for representatives of agricultural formations with the participation of scientists of A.I. Barayev SPCGF Zabolotskiy Vladimir, Kiyas Adalbergen, Cherny Andrey and Nazarova Perizat. In their speeches, they presented to the farmers the results of scientific and practical research on precision farming, the stage-by-stage introduction of elements of precision farming in the production of crop products. Scientists and representatives of agribusiness exchanged views on the efficiency and return on investment in agricultural machinery and software and reference systems, their maintenance in the implementation of precision farming in small and medium-sized farms.
During the seminar, the participants discussed issues of mineral nutrition of plants, norms, methods of fertilization, plant protection in the current year and other technological issues of crop production.  
Great attention was paid to the issues of further interaction between science and agribusiness, scientific support of industrial experiments, education and training of specialists of the agro-industrial complex in the practice of precision farming on the basis of the precision farming landfill of the A.I. Baraev SPCGF.
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