Intensify cooperation with RUDN scientists
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On September 21, the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev was visited by foreign guests who arrived at the international scientific and practical conference on food quality and safety, Pakina Elena Nikolaevna, Director of the Agrobiotechnological Department, Professor of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Zangar Meisam, Grand PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Agrobiotechnological Department and Burlutsky Valery Alexandrovich, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, RUDN for the purpose of familiarization with the activities of the Kazakhstan Center of Grain Farming. At the beginning of the meeting, the head of the Center, Savin Timur, told his Russian colleagues about the ongoing research work of scientists, scientific achievements over the years of formation and development, and international cooperation. He particularly noted the close collaboration with Russian industry research institutes. In turn, the Russian colleagues showed interest in cooperation not only within the designated areas of the forum of scientists of the KATSU named after S. Seifullin and RUDN, as well as in the implementation of joint scientific research within the scientific and technical programs on agriculture and crop production.