KATU's profit exceeded 1.5 billion tenge

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The net income of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin in 2021 exceeded 1.5 billion tenge. This made it possible to increase the salary fund, as well as to start implementing several important projects for development, reports eldala.kz .

In particular, on the basis of the SPC GF named after A. Barayev, KATU specialists created a honey conveyor and began testing the technology of stationary beekeeping: due to the constant flowering of certain herbs, apiaries do not need to wander.

As part of the project, 620 hectares were sown with various honey plants (rapeseed, sweet clover, mustard, buckwheat, etc.) and 30 bee colonies were purchased. Almost half a ton of honey has been collected.

Plans for 2022 are to increase the conveyor area to 1,500 hectares, and the number of beehives to 100. The volume of honey produced will grow to two tons. In addition, students practice here, practicing methods of combating bee diseases and checking the effectiveness of various feed additives developed at KATU.

An important project was the renewal of the equipment of the department No. 1 of the North Kazakhstan Agricultural Academy.

In total, 55 different agricultural machines were purchased in 2021 for 952 million tenge. These are tractors, combines, harvesters, mowers, sprayers and so on. Moreover, this was done without spending budget funds – only at the expense of the station's own profit. This year it is planned to update the machine-tractor fleet of the next department, as well as to introduce irrigated areas due to a circular sprinkler system.

Among other projects of KATU is the creation of a breeding center for artificial insemination of sheep, the development of a veterinary clinic, as well as the renovation of a hostel and a hotel to create conditions for training and practice at the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev and the NK AES.

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