SPCGF named after A.I. Barayev expands cooperation with agribusiness

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The realization is becoming more and more meaningful that in order to successfully solve the issues facing the agro-industrial complex, it is necessary to more actively introduce modern developments into production, develop the connection of science with production, support the initiated practice of the scientific institution under direct contracts with agricultural organizations and thereby contribute to the development of the market of scientific developments in the field of seed production, protection and preservation of the plant gene pool. In recent years, agricultural producers themselves have shown increased interest in this issue, and the agrarian of one of the most successful in the republic on the development of crop production in the Kostanay region is no exception.

Today, the SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev expands the boundaries of cooperation with agricultural producers of the Target region, because the protracted 2 years of the pandemic have played a role, many established business ties have to be resumed and the scientists of the Center successfully cope with this mission.

Recently, representatives of the Center, scientific director of scientific and technical programs on intensive and precision farming, head of the analytical center Kunanbayev Kairat and leading economist Bekeshev Baurzhan met with representatives of agricultural science of Kostanay region in the person of the head of “AES Zarechnoye” LLP Muldataev Rustem and rector of the Agricultural Institute named after V. Dvurechensky “Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov” NJSC Nugmanov Almabek. During the meeting, their participation in scientific projects of program-targeted financing of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan was agreed. The parties confirmed their mutual interest in this area of work.

A very constructive meeting was held with the head of the Department of Agriculture and Land Relations of the Akimat of Kostanay region, Timur Bisimbayev, on further cooperation with farmers in the region. Representatives of the Center offered scientific support and consulting services for the use of advanced agricultural technologies, services for assessing the quality of commercial grain and feed, conducting an agrochemical soil survey with the compilation of agrochemical cartograms of fields, training in modern agricultural technologies, including precision farming, approbatory courses, seminars for advanced training in crop production.

Press corps of SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev

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