Science and business cooperation


To successfully solve the problems facing the agro-industrial complex of the republic, one of the important tasks is to more actively introduce modern developments into production, develop the connection between science and production, support the established practice of scientific institutions under straightforward agreement with agricultural organizations, and thereby contribute to the development of the market for scientific developments in the field of seed production, protection and conservation of the plant gene pool, and also to the introduction of innovative technologies. Today, this strategic task is clearly reflected in the Development Program of the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A. I. Barayev for the coming years.
In this direction, the Center has outlined purposeful work to establish long-term relations with economic entities, primarily in the Akmola region, where today the Center's spring wheat varieties in the total structure of crops of Kazakhstan varieties selection occupy about 70 percent. In elite seed-growing, seed-growing, individual farms, the scientists of the Center are laying demonstration experiments of new varieties and promising lines, which will allow the agricultural producer to independently choose a more competitive variety, and participate in the creation of the variety as is customary in the advanced grain-producing countries of the world. Scientists of the Center, by agreement, also conduct experiments on the comparative assessment of the productivity and quality of agricultural crops varieties of their own selection in the fields of a number of the region large agricultural formations. Among such agricultural formations can be named “Agrofirma Rodina” LLP, “Agrofirma TNK” LLP of Zhaksy district, “Zarechny” LLP of Yessil district, “Sochinskoe” LLP of Atbasar district, “Tselina-Agro” LLP of Yegindykol district, “Novokubanka” LLP of Shortandy district, “Svobodnoye” LLP of Sandyktau district, “Vedenovka” LLP and “Yessil-Agro” LLP of Burabay district, “Askop” LLP of Yegindykol district, “Izhevsky” LLP of Arshalinsky district and many others.
And today, the task is set for scientists to expand the sphere of scientific influence in potentially developing farms, which have the opportunity to realistically assess the situation in the agricultural sector in terms of obtaining state support in the near future in order to obtain decent harvests and cooperation with science is regarded as a component of increasing labor productivity and, consequently, profitability of production.
Every year, scientists of the “SPC of Grain Farming named after A. I. Barayev” LLP develop recommendations for conducting spring field and harvesting operations, which indicate the technologies of agricultural crops cultivation for each zone of the region. This form of interaction between the subjects of the agro-industrial complex reveals great potential opportunities in increasing production and improving its quality through the development of new, modern technologies, training of specialists and employees of the mass profession. Agricultural scientists help farmers to improve the culture of agriculture through the scientifically-based use of chemicals and agrochemical survey of arable land, a competent approach to tillage soil protection technology.
It was in this perspective that a working meeting of scientists with representatives of “Nur-Astyk KZ” LLP, headed by General Director B. N. Nauryzbayev, was held at the “SPC GF named after A. I. Barayev”, the purpose of which was to outline ways of mutually beneficial cooperation in the production support of crop products. After getting acquainted with the main activities of the researchers and their scientific and practical results, the participants of the meeting were offered a presentation on the strategy and tactics of conducting spring field work in the current sowing campaign, together with practical experience of intensive farming with elements of precision farming, a joint discussion of problems in this issue, ways to solve them and the effectiveness of implementation. Then, the work of the Project Management Center (PMC) of the Precision Farming Department in the online mode is demonstrated. At the end, the guests visited the public museum and got acquainted with the exhibition of scientific and practical achievements of the Center.скачать dle 12.0
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