Time to solve real problems


Today, the rector of the Kazakh Agro-Technical University, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor Kurishbayev Akhylbek Kazhigulovich met with a team of employees of the scientific and production center of grain farming named after A.I. Barayev.

From 1997 to 2002, Kurishbayev A.K. headed SPCGF, continuing to work in other senior positions, constantly interested in his activities. Therefore, it is no accident that after setting out the purpose of his working trip to Nauchnyi village, the audience received a very interested exchange of views on the prospects for the development of agricultural science and, in particular, in the Center itself.

The decision to create a research university by combining separate subsidiaries of the "National Agrarian Science and Educational Center" JSC, which includes "A.I. Barayev SPCGF" LLP, was not made by chance, now agricultural science is switching over to the whole world a modern model according to the scheme of laboratory audience - production, which is important for the preparation of modern scientific personnel with practical priorities that meet international standards. The idea of creating an agrarian scientific town has long been hatched in the republic, and today it is time to implement a significant project that has received “carte blanche” at all levels.

Akhylbek Kazhigulovich outlined goals and objectives for concretization of work in the intended format. In particular, it is planned to pay serious attention to the development of the breeding direction of science, since there is a strong gene pool of Kazakhstani varieties of agricultural crops, the introduction of digital technologies from laboratories to the field, the creation of educational centers for farmers and a number of other factors that should contribute to the diversification of agricultural production.

At the same time, it is a priority for the leadership of the research university with the assistance of the local executive bodies of the region to promote the solution of social issues in the near future, which includes improving infrastructure problems in the village, providing housing for employees and teachers and dormitories for practicing students and undergraduates, and a number of other urgent questions.скачать dle 12.0
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