Tandem of science and production lead to high yields

Today, agricultural science requires special attention. As the Head of State noted in his Address, "agricultural science should be primarily concerned with the transfer of new technologies and their adaptation to domestic conditions."
Scientists in the agricultural sector see great prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex if they apply the mechanisms of interaction between science and business and therefore are ready to assist in the introduction of innovations in various sectors of agriculture.
On the basis of the Scientific-production Center for Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev, through the Knowledge Distribution Center, close interaction with representatives of agricultural formations in Northern Kazakhstan has been steadily established through training seminars, training seminars including practical exercises.
This year, this work was continued online with the participation of scientists-agrarians, in the online fornat they informed about the state of the indicated topic and scientific conclusions about ways to solve a particular problem, and had the opportunity to get answers to their questions. Also, every year before the start of important agricultural campaigns such as sowing and harvesting, taking into account the weather and climatic conditions and the state of the soils of the regions, the scientists of the Center for Farmers prepare recommendations that are in wide demand, this year these materials were disseminated through social networks for the convenience of users from among the workers agrarian sphere.
In terms of expanding scientific and production ties within the framework of the introduction of new scientific projects and modern technologies for the development of moisture-saving technologies and systems of precision plant growing and farming on farms, selection of competitive varieties of grain crops and perennial grasses for forage production, large agricultural producers conclude agreements on scientific support of production experiments. During the entire designated period of cooperation, scientists visit farms in order to build joint systematic work on monitoring experiments and training farm specialists to track all periods of spring-autumn field work.
Representatives of the grain company "Nurai-N" represented by the Deputy General Director for Plant Growing and Production Nurlan Rashidovich Baidusenov and the Chief Agronomist, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Beibitzhan Kamalovich Borangaziyev expressed their intention to cooperate with scientists, guided by the fact that the expansion of production and image enhancement should be carried out on the basis of a broad involvement of scientific potential in the agricultural sector and the introduction of the latest scientific achievements into production.
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