Webinar on the topic: "Adaptation of the elements of precise crop production in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan"


Today, online through ZOOM, a webinar was held on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution of the Agrophysical Institute in St. Petersburg on the topic: "Adaptation of the elements of precise crop production in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan" with the participation of scientists from the  A.I.Barayev SPCGF.  The moderator of this agrarian-scientific platform, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Komarov Andrey Alekseyevich, shared the research results for 2020, providing analytical presentation material based on joint scientific research.

In the process of discussing the problems of introducing precision crop production, the scientists of the  A.I.Barayev SPCGF, together with international experts, outlined the practical experience already gained and outlined the prospects for further work on adapting the elements of precision farming.

At the end of the webinar, acting head  The Chairman of the Board of the “SPCGF named after A.I.  Barayev”, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Irmulatov Bakhyt Rakhimbayevich thanked his Russian colleague for the informative material presented during the event and all participants for their active participation.

It should be said that, within the framework of international cooperation, the scientists of the Center, meeting with Komarov Andrey Alekseyevich, had the opportunity at the precision farming range of our Center to demonstrate the introduction of elements of precision farming using new modern technology and, during a business exchange at a round table, to touch upon such topics as the methodological foundations of network formation  monitoring sites for the introduction of precision farming systems into production, the use of Earth remote sensing (ERS) data and related ground surveys to assess the state of crops and the development of cultivated crops, and also precision crop production as a tool for managing the productivity and quality of crops.скачать dle 12.0
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