1st September is the Knowledge Day
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5 young employees of the Center will continue their postgraduate education.
Every year, the number of young specialists in the agricultural sector is growing in the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, today they make up more than 30 percent. In recent years, young people have been actively going into science and optimal social conditions are being created here for this: when young people create a family, give birth to children, they receive financial assistance, there is an opportunity to receive free sanatorium vouchers through a trade union, hay and waste products are provided at reduced prices if there is a private farm. Currently, the construction of a 60-apartment residential building is being completed.
The Center has a Council of Young scientists, whose ranks in 2021 were joined by PhD doctors and undergraduates of KATU named after S.Seifullin, who arrived with the intention of working in a large Center of grain farming. Young scientists with the support of mentors from among the leading scientists of the Center actively participate in research projects and grants. Also, conditions are created for them to undergo a scientific internship in specialized universities and research institutes of the near and far abroad, for those who want to receive a university or postgraduate education, a study leave with salary is provided. This right will be able to use this year our employees Zhloba Tatiana, Tkachenko Olga, Vasilyeva Victoria and Lebzak Zlata who have entered the master's degree program at Omsk State University named after P. Stolypin and Sayanov Aidos to the postgraduate program of Izhevsk Agrarian University.