Topical issues of STP were discussed at the Academic Council of the A.Barayev SPCGF


A regular meeting of the Academic Council was held under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Board of LLP "A.I.Barayev SPCGF" Serekpayev Nurlan Amangeldinovich on the results of scientific activities for the first half of this year. Gani Zhasymbekovich Stybaev, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Science, reported on the results of acceptance of field scientific experiments within the framework of the PTF implementation. Then, reports were heard from the heads of scientific departments on the progress of the research program on PTF for the current period, in which they reflected the participation of employees in certain significant scientific and technological progress, the results of field and laboratory research, the number of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and publications in regional mass media, information, the effectiveness of the implementation of scientific developments through scientific support of production experiments in the farms of the target region, the percentage of participation in the promotion of knowledge for the calendar period of work. Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists Kharitonova A.S. reported on the work carried out by the Council of Young Scientists. During the discussion, the active involvement of young scientists in competitions and the development of scientific projects on various thematic projects was noted. Last year, 9 of our young employees entered universities of Kazakhstan and Russia, most of which are trained under targeted grant funding. This year, 2 young employees completed their studies at a specialized university, 2 entered to receive specialized higher education and continue postgraduate education, 3 employees continue their doctoral studies. Young scientists actively act as speakers at ongoing training seminars, Field Days, video conferences and other online events.
Another topical issue on the agenda, which was submitted for consideration by the Academic Council, is the report on the implementation of the Extension plan for the 1st half of the year. Over the current period, scientists of the Center have conducted 5 webinars, 2 seminars-meetings, 13 seminars-trainings in various target audiences, and also held a Field Day with the participation of representatives of the agricultural industry, closely cooperating with the Center.
Summarizing the results of the work of scientific departments in the framework of the implementation of the PTF, the head of the Center, Serekpayev N.A. especially focused the attention of researchers on the effective implementation of the STP indicators, the systematic organization of their research and the qualitative improvement of scientific achievements in the near future.
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